Card Library

Name Type
Doomwake Giant
Divine Favor
Dissipation Field
Disruption Aura
Dismiss into Dream
Dire Undercurrents
Dictate of the Twin Gods
Dictate of Kruphix
Dictate of Karametra
Dictate of Heliod
Dictate of Erebos
Deviant Glee
Detention Sphere
Detainment Spell
Descent into Madness
Descendants' Path
Dense Canopy
Demonic Rising
Demonic Appetite
Defensive Stance
Declaration of Naught
Debtors' Knell
Debtor's Pulpit
Debilitating Injury
Deathreap Ritual
Death's Presence
Death's Approach
Death Pits of Rath
Death Pit Offering
Deadly Wanderings
Deadbridge Chant
Dead Weight
Daybreak Coronet
Day of Destiny
Dawn's Reflection
Darksteel Mutation
Dark Tutelage
Dark Prophecy
Dark Heart of the Wood
Dark Favor
Dampening Pulse
Daily Regimen
Cyclops of Eternal Fury
Curse of Wizardry
Curse of Thirst
Curse of the Pierced Heart
Curse of the Nightly Hunt
Curse of the Forsaken
Curse of the Bloody Tome
Curse of Stalked Prey
Curse of Shallow Graves
Curse of Predation
Curse of Oblivion
Curse of Misfortunes
Curse of Inertia
Curse of Exhaustion
Curse of Echoes
Curse of Death's Hold
Curse of Chaos
Curse of Chains
Curse of Bloodletting
Crystalline Nautilus
Crusher Zendikon
Crumbling Ashes
Crucible of Fire
Crippling Blight
Crescendo of War
Cream of the Crop
Cradle of Vitality
Crackling Perimeter
Crab Umbra
Cowed by Wisdom
Courser of Kruphix
Corrupted Zendikon
Corrupted Roots
Corrupted Conscience
Copy Enchantment
Convincing Mirage
Controlled Instincts
Control Magic
Contaminated Ground
Contaminated Bond
Containment Membrane
Consecrate Land
Conjured Currency
Confusion in the Ranks
Conclave's Blessing
Concerted Effort