Card Library

Vigean Intuition #136

Bound (Bound/Determined) #149

Traitor's Clutch #137

Word of Seizing #185

Treacherous Urge #82

Spin into Myth #8

Riddle of Lightning #107

Double Dip #3

Double Take #23

Mystic Genesis #180

Totally Lost #54

Punish the Enemy #35

Lash of the Whip #94

Rescue from the Underworld #102

Fated Intervention #121

Starfall #114

Meditation Puzzle #19

Sanctified Charge #30

Ætherspouts #44

Flesh to Dust #98

Unmake the Graves #120

Take Up Arms #26

Blinding Spray #32

Murderous Cut #81

Throttle #93

Burn Away #104

Intellectual Offering #15

Volcanic Offering #40

Enhanced Awareness #33

Rite of Undoing #49

Reach of Shadows #81

Cunning Strike #150

Ethereal Ambush #152

Enduring Victory #16

Contradict #49

Sarkhan's Rage #153

Volcanic Rush #166

Dromoka's Gift #184

Pinion Feast #195

Silumgar's Command #232

Roil's Retribution #45

Turn Against #135

Stonefury #156

Banishing Stroke #7

Thunderous Wrath #160

Public Execution #105

Counterlash #33

Trostani's Judgment #28

Explosive Impact #94

Gather Specimens #45

Nemesis Trap #91

Stone Idol Trap #93

Runeflare Trap #146

Cobra Trap #146

Summoning Trap #184

Fiery Fall #113

Sylvan Bounty #165

Flame Javelin #70

Thoughtweft Gambit #154

Beacon of Immortality #10

Time Stop #117

Soulblast #236

Opportunity #51

Pyrokinesis #115

Fireblast #26

Spinning Darkness #23

Tsabo's Decree #129

Cauldron Dance #238

Spinal Embrace #218

Spelljack #51

Betrayal of Flesh #58

Murderous Spoils #48

Into Thin Air #33

Reweave #82

Pull Under #137

Overwhelming Intellect #28

Flash Conscription #124

Dryad's Caress #160

Dark Withering #101

Haunting Hymn #112

Death Rattle #78

Chronostutter #48

Blastfire Bolt #130

Waterwhirl #60

Become Immense #130

Flying Crane Technique #176

Channel Harm #7

Supplant Form #54

Will of the Naga #58

Resupply #32

Dragonlord's Prerogative #52

Grip of Desolation #94

Firemind's Foresight #162

Needlebite Trap #105

Inferno #196

Commandeer #29

Soul Spike #70

Ember Shot #87

Hunting Pack #160

Assert Authority #30