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Card Library

Flatten #100

Foul Renewal #101

Collected Company #177

Press the Advantage #196

Ojutai's Command #227

Adverse Conditions #54

Roilmage's Trick #83

Volcanic Upheaval #161

Infuse with the Elements #175

Brutal Expulsion #200

Comparative Analysis #51

Overwhelming Denial #61

Unity of Purpose #66

Consuming Sinkhole #94

Vanishment #82

Aggravate #125

Chandra's Fury #124

Lost in the Mist #63

Psychic Spiral #47

Fall of the Gavel #161

Thoughtflare #203

Ad Nauseam #63

Skeletonize #114

Second Thoughts #45

Fervent Denial #86

Thermal Blast #224

Beast Attack #23

Act of Aggression #78

Banishment Decree #3

Quicksilver Geyser #30

Consume the Meek #100

Mysteries of the Deep #33

Arrow Volley Trap #2

Archive Trap #41

Whiplash Trap #77

Baloth Cage Trap #156

Relic Crush #175

Bituminous Blast #83

Breath of Malfegor #35

Jace's Ingenuity #63

Gleam of Resistance #17

Traumatic Visions #68

Endure #5

Chaotic Backlash #49

Counterbore #33

Dramatic Entrance #111

Fracturing Gust #227

Swell of Courage #31

Evacuation #83

Beacon of Destruction #189

Fissure #212

Broken Visage #11

Desertion #4

Necrologia #149

Fire and Brimstone #82

Melee #200

Contagion #4

Force of Will #42

Bounty of the Hunt #63

Omen of Fire #112

Scars of the Veteran #149

Cinder Cloud #165

Jabari's Influence #228

Reflect Damage #337

Miraculous Recovery #113

Lava Storm #110

Hatred #64

Sunder #101

Gush #27

Misdirection #102

Brawl #178

Submerge #48

Dark Triumph #55

Annihilate #134

Prophetic Bolt #27

Waste Away #88

Radiate #113

Cruel Revival #135

Pinpoint Avalanche #221

Accelerated Mutation #109

Soul Nova #25

Forge Armor #92

Stir the Pride #30

Turn the Tables #18

Savage Beating #67

Stand Together #84

Feedback Bolt #64

Rain of Rust #76

Devouring Rage #164

Through the Breach #193

Strength of Cedars #245

Call for Blood #63

Charge Across the Araba #4

Death of a Thousand Stings #64

Moonlight Bargain #95

Cleansing Beam #116

Scatter the Seeds #181

Brace for Impact #5

Swift Silence #132

Twinstrike #134