Card Library

Name Type
Coastal Hornclaw
Coastline Chimera
Cobalt Golem
Cogwork Grinder
Cogwork Librarian
Cogwork Spy
Cogwork Tracker
Coiling Oracle
Cold-Eyed Selkie
Colossal Whale
Colossodon Yearling
Colossus of Akros
Colossus of Sardia
Composite Golem
Conclave Equenaut
Conclave Phalanx
Concordia Pegasus
Conduit of Ruin
Conifer Strider
Conquering Manticore
Consecrated Sphinx
Constricting Sliver
Consuming Aberration
Contagious Nim
Containment Priest
Conundrum Sphinx
Copper Myr
Copperhoof Vorrac
Copperhorn Scout
Coral Barrier
Coral Eel
Coral Merfolk
Coral Trickster
Coralhelm Commander
Coralhelm Guide
Core Prowler
Corpse Blockade
Corpse Connoisseur
Corpse Cur
Corpse Hauler
Corpse Traders
Corpsejack Menace
Corpulent Corpse
Corrosive Mentor
Corrupted Harvester
Cosi's Ravager
Cosi's Trickster
Cosmic Larva
Council Guardian
Council of the Absolute
Countryside Crusher
Courier Griffin
Courier Hawk
Court Archers
Court Homunculus
Court Hussar
Court Street Denizen
Courtly Provocateur
Crabapple Cohort
Crackling Triton
Crafty Pathmage
Crag Puca
Cragganwick Cremator
Crater Elemental
Crater Hellion
Craterhoof Behemoth
Craw Giant
Craw Wurm
Crawling Filth
Crazed Goblin
Creakwood Ghoul
Creakwood Liege
Creepy Doll
Crimson Mage
Crimson Muckwader
Crookclaw Transmuter
Crossbow Infantry
Crosstown Courier
Crossway Vampire
Crovax, Ascendant Hero
Crowd of Cinders
Crowned Ceratok
Cruel Deceiver
Cruel Sadist
Crumbling Colossus
Crusader of Odric
Crypt Champion
Crypt Creeper
Crypt Ghast
Crypt Ripper
Cryptborn Horror
Cryptic Annelid
Cryptic Cruiser