Card Library

Name Type
Marshmist Titan
Meletis Astronomer
Nessian Demolok
Nessian Wilds Ravager
Odunos River Trawler
Oracle of Bones
Oreskos Sun Guide
Pain Seer
Pharagax Giant
Pheres-Band Raiders
Pheres-Band Tromper
Pillar of War
Reckless Reveler
Satyr Nyx-Smith
Satyr Wayfinder
Scourge of Skola Vale
Servant of Tymaret
Setessan Oathsworn
Setessan Starbreaker
Shrike Harpy
Silent Sentinel
Siren of the Fanged Coast
Siren of the Silent Song
Snake of the Golden Grove
Sphinx's Disciple
Stormcaller of Keranos
Swordwise Centaur
Thunder Brute
Vanguard of Brimaz
Vortex Elemental
Warchanter of Mogis
Angel of Finality
Baleful Force
Bane of Progress
Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
Diviner Spirit
Djinn of Infinite Deceits
Endless Cockroaches
Fell Shepherd
Gahiji, Honored One
Hooded Horror
Hua Tuo, Honored Physician
Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge
Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon"
Lu Xun, Scholar General
Marath, Will of the Wild
Naya Soulbeast
Nekusar, the Mindrazer
Oloro, Ageless Ascetic
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher
Roon of the Hidden Realm
Serene Master
Shattergang Brothers
Sydri, Galvanic Genius
Terra Ravager
Tidal Force
True-Name Nemesis
Abhorrent Overlord
Agent of Horizons
Agent of the Fates
Akroan Crusader
Akroan Hoplite
Akroan Horse
Anax and Cymede
Anthousa, Setessan Hero
Anvilwrought Raptor
Arbor Colossus
Arena Athlete
Artisan of Forms
Ashen Rider
Asphodel Wanderer
Battlewise Hoplite
Benthic Giant
Blood-Toll Harpy
Borderland Minotaur
Breaching Hippocamp
Bronze Sable
Burnished Hart
Cavalry Pegasus
Centaur Battlemaster
Chronicler of Heroes
Coastline Chimera
Colossus of Akros
Crackling Triton
Daxos of Meletis
Deathbellow Raider
Decorated Griffin
Disciple of Phenax
Ember Swallower
Ephara's Warden
Evangel of Heliod
Fabled Hero
Fanatic of Mogis
Favored Hoplite
Felhide Minotaur