Card Library

Name Type
Blast of Genius
Debt to the Deathless
Drown in Filth
Gaze of Granite
Morgue Burst
Obzedat's Aid
Pilfered Plans
Reap Intellect
Alive (Alive/Well)
Armed (Armed/Dangerous)
Beck (Beck/Call)
Breaking (Breaking/Entering)
Catch (Catch/Release)
Down (Down/Dirty)
Flesh (Flesh/Blood)
Give (Give/Take)
Toil (Toil/Trouble)
Spectral Procession
Ancient Craving
Death Grasp
Breaking Point
Torrent of Souls
Cenn's Enlistment
Feudkiller's Verdict
Terashi's Grasp
Petals of Insight
Death Cloud
Raven's Crime
Syphon Life
Warren Weirding
Empty the Warrens
Lava Spike
Molten Disaster
Rift Bolt
Tribal Flames
Incremental Growth
Life from the Loam
Rude Awakening
Search for Tomorrow
Tooth and Nail
Tromp the Domains
Worm Harvest
Devout Invocation
Hive Stirrings
Glimpse the Future
Time Ebb
Liturgy of Blood
Rise of the Dark Realms
Molten Birth
Seismic Stomp
Hunt the Weak
Lay of the Land
Hymn to Tourach
Chainer's Edict
Glare of Heresy
Vanquish the Foul
Curse of the Swine
Sea God's Revenge
Thassa's Bounty
March of the Returned
Read the Bones
Sip of Hemlock
Anger of the Gods
Peak Eruption
Portent of Betrayal
Rage of Purphoros
Commune with the Gods
Fade into Antiquity
Hunt the Hunter
Time to Feed
Psychic Intrusion
Kirtar's Wrath
Tempt with Glory
Wrath of God
Borrowing 100,000 Arrows
Brilliant Plan
Deep Analysis
Order of Succession
Strategic Planning
Tempt with Reflections
Wash Out
Dirge of Dread
Tempt with Immortality
Toxic Deluge
From the Ashes
Incendiary Command
Mass Mutiny
Slice and Dice
Sudden Demise