Card Library

Name Type
Forced Adaptation
Forced Fruition
Forced Worship
Forgeborn Oreads
Forgotten Harvest
Form of the Dragon
Form of the Squirrel
Forsaken Wastes
Fortified Area
Foul Presence
Fowl Play
Fractured Loyalty
Freed from the Real
Freyalise's Charm
Freyalise's Radiance
Freyalise's Winds
Frog Tongue
From Beyond
Frontier Siege
Frozen Æther
Frozen Solid
Fruit of the First Tree
Full Moon's Rise
Funeral March
Fungal Bloom
Furious Assault
Furnace Celebration
Furnace of Rath
Furor of the Bitten
Future Sight
Fyndhorn Pollen
Gaea's Anthem
Gaea's Embrace
Gaea's Touch
Galvanic Arc
Game Preserve
Gaseous Form
Gate to Phyrexia
Genju of the Cedars
Genju of the Falls
Genju of the Fens
Genju of the Fields
Genju of the Realm
Genju of the Spires
Gerrard's Battle Cry
Ghitu Firebreathing
Ghitu War Cry
Ghostblade Eidolon
Ghostly Flame
Ghostly Possession
Ghostly Prison
Ghostly Touch
Ghostly Wings
Giant Strength
Gibbering Descent
Gift of Granite
Gift of Immortality
Gift of Orzhova
Gift of the Deity
Gift of the Woods
Glacial Crevasses
Glare of Subdual
Glaring Aegis
Gleam of Authority
Gleam of Battle
Glimmerdust Nap
Glistening Oil
Glorious Anthem
Glory of Warfare
Gnarled Scarhide
Goblin Assault
Goblin Bomb
Goblin Bombardment
Goblin Caves
Goblin Festival
Goblin Kites
Goblin Shrine
Goblin Trenches
Goblin War Drums
Goblin War Paint
Goblin Warrens
Goldenhide Ox
Golgari Germination
Gossamer Chains
Grand Melee
Granite Grip
Gratuitous Violence
Grave Betrayal
Grave Pact
Grave Peril
Grave Servitude