Card Library

Name Type
Incite Hysteria
Consult the Necrosages
Invoke the Firemind
Stitch in Time
Proclamation of Rebirth
Delirium Skeins
Kindle the Carnage
Stomp and Howl
Pure (Pure/Simple)
Psychotic Episode
Rift Bolt
Search for Tomorrow
Wistful Thinking
Marshaling Cry
Ichor Slick
Bitter Ordeal
Thunderblade Charge
Persecute Artist
Righteous Charge
Miming Slime
Immortal Servitude
Uncovered Clues
Awe for the Guilds
Gaze of Granite
Pilfered Plans
Catch (Catch/Release)
Give (Give/Take)
Toil (Toil/Trouble)
Hive Stirrings
Glimpse the Future
Molten Birth
Read the Bones
Anger of the Gods
Peak Eruption
Fade into Antiquity
Time to Feed
Borrowing 100,000 Arrows
Toxic Deluge
Spoils of Victory
Drown in Sorrow
Bolt of Keranos
Culling Mark
Tormented Thoughts
Harness by Force
Kruphix's Insight
Reviving Melody
Council's Judgment
Rousing of Souls
Dirty (Down/Dirty)
Take (Give/Take)
Trouble (Toil/Trouble)
Act on Impulse
Rakshasa's Secret
Barrage of Boulders
Hordeling Outburst
Howl of the Horde
Roar of Challenge
Scout the Borders
Villainous Wealth
Write into Being
Dark Deal
Diplomacy of the Wastes
Bathe in Dragonfire
Cached Defenses
Map the Wastes
Seismic Rupture
Sheer Drop
Swarm Surge
Painful Truths
Ruinous Path
Touch of the Void
Radiant Flames
Call the Scions
Roil Spout
Call the Gatewatch
Shoulder to Shoulder
Flaying Tendrils
Devour in Flames
Amass the Components
Into the Void
Stolen Goods
Barter in Blood
Mental Agony
Captain's Call
Talrand's Invocation
Fungal Sprouting
Ranger's Path
Day of Judgment
Diabolic Tutor
Tectonic Rift
Mystic Retrieval