Card Library

Name Type
Revenge of the Hunted
Planar Cleansing
Doubling Chant
Sudden Disappearance
Zombie Apocalypse
Blood Feud
Grim Flowering
Into the Maw of Hell
Assassin's Strike
Coursers' Accord
Rites of Reaping
Akroma's Vengeance
Austere Command
Kiss of the Amesha
Sangrite Surge
Life's Finale
Phyrexian Rebirth
Nomads' Assembly
Recurring Insight
Essence Feed
Hellion Eruption
Blood Tribute
Vengeful Rebirth
Identity Crisis
Morbid Bloom
Mass Polymorph
Open the Vaults
Death by Dragons
Merciless Eviction
Undercity Plague
Structural Collapse
Stolen Identity
Blast of Genius
Morgue Burst
Spectral Procession
Feudkiller's Verdict
Tromp the Domains
Vanquish the Foul
Sea God's Revenge
Thassa's Bounty
Sip of Hemlock
Kirtar's Wrath
Tempt with Glory
Slice and Dice
One Dozen Eyes
Plea for Guidance
Pinnacle of Rage
Whims of the Fates
Interpret the Signs
Rise of Eagles
Extinguish All Hope
Spiteful Blow
Reign of the Pit
Grenzo's Rebuttal
Call (Beck/Call)
Entering (Breaking/Entering)
Release (Catch/Release)
Triplicate Spirits
Endless Obedience
Set Adrift
Rite of the Serpent
See the Unwritten
Incite Rebellion
Collective Unconscious
Desert Twister
Shifting Loyalties
Tasigur's Cruelty
Mob Rule
Descent of the Dragons
Gruesome Slaughter
Part the Waterveil
Nissa's Renewal
Crush of Tentacles
Temporal Mastery
Rite of Ruin
Wit's End
Boundless Realms
Sorin's Vengeance
Hour of Reckoning
Brilliant Ultimatum
Clarion Ultimatum
Cruel Ultimatum
Titanic Ultimatum
Violent Ultimatum
Ichor Explosion
All Is Dust
Skittering Invasion
Repay in Kind
Disaster Radius
Destructive Force
Howl of the Night Pack
Absorb Vis
Call the Skybreaker
Tooth and Nail