Card Library

Wild Ricochet #132

Fistful of Force #212

Heal the Scars #217

Lace with Moonglove #225

Lammastide Weave #226

Spring Cleaning #236

Bandage #9

Beacon of Immortality #10

Hail of Arrows #18

Holy Day #21

Luminesce #28

Reviving Dose #34

Warrior's Honor #58

Aura Graft #67

Boomerang #70

Deluge #79

Discombobulate #81

Evacuation #83

Hurkyl's Recall #88

Mind Bend #93

Peek #94

Plagiarize #97

Remove Soul #100

Telling Time #114

Time Stop #117

Afflict #125

Terror #182

Beacon of Destruction #189

Fists of the Anvil #201

Guerrilla Tactics #211

Shunt #233

Smash #235

Soulblast #236

Stun #240

Sudden Impact #25

Aggressive Urge #250

Chastise #9

Inspirit #22

Mending Hands #29

Reverse Damage #35

Dark Banishing #50

Execute #128

Slay #25

Enrage #180

Seething Song #70

Early Harvest #235

Natural Affinity #256

Blessed Reversal #7

Healing Salve #14

Redeem #37

Solidarity #46

Catalog #65

Deflection #74

Flash Counter #78

Hibernation #82

Twiddle #111

Boil #180

Inferno #196

Lightning Blast #200

Searing Wind #218

Kjeldoran War Cry #13

Sun's Bounty #18

Swift Maneuver #21

Commandeer #29

Controvert #30

Rune Snag #46

Surging Æther #47

Thermal Flux #49

Chill to the Bone #52

Grim Harvest #58

Krovikan Rot #63

Soul Spike #70

Balduvian Rage #76

Lightning Storm #89

Skred #97

Surging Flame #99

Mystic Melting #114

Resize #117

Vanish into Memory #31

Altar's Light #1

Awe Strike #6

Blinding Beam #7

Raise the Alarm #26

Razor Barrier #26

Roar of the Kha #18

Second Sunrise #20

Soul Nova #25

Annul #38

Assert Authority #30

Disarm #32

Dream's Grip #34

Override #45

Thirst for Knowledge #67

Betrayal of Flesh #58

Grim Reminder #66

Irradiate #67

Spoils of the Vault #78

Wail of the Nim #81

Electrostatic Bolt #89

Forge Armor #92