Card Library

Endure #5

Enduring Victory #16

Energy Arc #190

Enervate #84

Engulfing Flames #191

Enhanced Awareness #33

Enlightened Tutor #19

Enrage #180

Ensnare #32

Entomb #14

Envelop #39

Ephemeral Shields #11

Equal Treatment #4

Erase #9

Erase (Not the Urza's Legacy One) #10

Errand of Duty #127

Erratic Mutation #42

Ertai's Meddling #61

Ertai's Trickery #24

Esper Charm #167

Essence Backlash #160

Essence Scatter #55

Essence Vortex #365

Ether Well #65

Ethereal Ambush #152

Ethereal Haze #9

Evacuation #83

Evasive Action #50

Even the Odds #6

Evermind #37

Evolution Charm #127

Excise #8

Exclude #108

Execute #128

Executioner's Swing #161

Exile #21

Expedite #108

Explosive Growth #187

Explosive Impact #94

Expunge #135

Extirpate #84

Eye for an Eye #306

Eye Gouge #67

Eye to Eye #54

Eyeblight's Ending #110

Eyes in the Skies #10

Fact or Fiction #97

Fade from Memory #144

Faith's Reward #14

Faith's Shield #7

Fall of the Gavel #161

Fall of the Hammer #93

Fall of the Titans #109

Falling Timber #79

False Cure #146

False Memories #37

False Orders #148

Falter #184

Familiar's Ruse #64

Fanatical Fever #122

Far (Far/Away) #127

Fatal Blow #128

Fatal Frenzy #98

Fatal Fumes #24

Fate Forgotten #17

Fate Transfer #161

Fated Conflagration #94

Fated Infatuation #39

Fated Intervention #121

Fated Retribution #11

Fated Return #69

Fault Line #185

Feast of Dreams #69

Feast or Famine #72

Feat of Resistance #10

Feed the Clan #132

Feedback Bolt #64

Feeding Frenzy #147

Feeling of Dread #14

Feint #144

Fend Off #7

Feral Instinct #57

Ferocious Charge #88

Fervent Denial #86

Festival #81

Festival of the Guildpact #17

Fever Charm #202

Fevered Strength #10

Fiery Conclusion #42

Fiery Fall #113

Fiery Temper #62

Fight to the Death #97

Fighting Chance #82

Filigree Fracture #82

Final Fortune #182

Fire (Fire/Ice) #32

Fire and Brimstone #82

Fire at Will #140

Fire Covenant #367

Fireblast #26