Card Library

Winterflame #213

Benevolent Offering #3

Comeuppance #4

Domineering Will #13

Intellectual Offering #15

Malicious Affliction #25

Spoils of Blood #30

Wake the Dead #31

Impact Resonance #36

Volcanic Offering #40

Wing Shards #97

Exclude #108

Pongify #120

Stroke of Genius #129

Word of Seizing #185

Abzan Advantage #2

Channel Harm #7

Honor's Reward #14

Pressure Point #21

Rally the Ancestors #22

Sandblast #24

Valorous Stance #28

Enhanced Awareness #33

Neutralizing Blast #44

Rakshasa's Disdain #45

Reality Shift #46

Refocus #47

Rite of Undoing #49

Supplant Form #54

Whisk Away #57

Will of the Naga #58

Douse in Gloom #68

Reach of Shadows #81

Arcbond #91

Collateral Damage #95

Dragonrage #97

Friendly Fire #101

Temur Battle Rage #116

Wild Slash #118

Return to the Earth #135

Ruthless Instincts #136

Sudden Reclamation #139

Winds of Qal Sisma #147

Cunning Strike #150

Ethereal Ambush #152

Grim Contest #153

Harsh Sustenance #154

War Flare #158

Artful Maneuver #4

Center Soul #8

Enduring Victory #16

Fate Forgotten #17

Radiant Purge #31

Resupply #32

Scale Blessing #35

Secure the Wastes #36

Surge of Righteousness #42

Anticipate #69

Blessed Reincarnation #47

Contradict #49

Dance of the Skywise #50

Dragonlord's Prerogative #52

Glint #55

Learn from the Past #60

Ojutai's Breath #67

Silumgar's Scorn #78

Butcher's Glee #90

Coat with Venom #91

Flatten #100

Foul Renewal #101

Foul-Tongue Invocation #102

Foul-Tongue Shriek #103

Commune with Lava #131

Draconic Roar #134

Rending Volley #150

Sarkhan's Rage #153

Sarkhan's Triumph #154

Tail Slash #161

Twin Bolt #164

Volcanic Rush #166

Collected Company #177

Display of Dominance #182

Dromoka's Gift #184

Inspiring Call #191

Pinion Feast #195

Press the Advantage #196

Revealing Wind #197

Shape the Sands #205

Tread Upon #211

Atarka's Command #213

Dromoka's Command #221

Kolaghan's Command #224

Ojutai's Command #227

Silumgar's Command #232

Scour from Existence #13

Titan's Presence #14

Encircling Fissure #23

Gideon's Reproach #30

Lithomancer's Focus #38

Roil's Retribution #45