Card Library

Sea God's Revenge #61

Scrounge #53

Screaming Fury #78

Scrapyard Salvo #94

Scrap Mastery #38

Scrambleverse #153

Scouting Trek #210

Scout the Borders #148

Scouring Sands #110

Scorching Missile #219

Scorched Earth #200

Scorch the Fields #103

Scent of Cinder #96

Scarscale Ritual #175

Scapeshift #136

Savor the Moment #50

Savage Twister #208

Savage Punch #147

Savage Offensive #162

Savage Conception #75

Saproling Symbiosis #209

Sanity Grinding #29

Sanguimancy #81

Sangrite Surge #190

Saltblast #30

Safewright Quest #240

Sadistic Sacrament #110

Sacred Nectar #38

Ruthless Invasion #93

Rush of Knowledge #123

Rush of Ice #84

Rush of Battle #19

Rupture #97

Runic Repetition #72

Ruinous Path #123

Ruination #134

Ruin in Their Wake #122

Rude Awakening #160

Rout #80

Rousing of Souls #19

Rough / Tumble #118

Rough (Rough/Tumble) #114

Rolling Thunder #154

Rolling Temblor #161

Rolling Spoil #179

Rollick of Abandon #108

Roiling Waters #62

Roiling Terrain #88

Roil Spout #219

Rofellos's Gift #119

Roast #151

Roar of the Wurm #266

Roar of the Crowd #100

Roar of Reclamation #14

Roar of Challenge #145

River's Grasp #174

Rivals' Duel #51

Ritual of the Machine #24

Ritual of Restoration #13

Rites of Spring #265

Rites of Reaping #191

Rite of the Serpent #86

Rite of Ruin #153

Rite of Replication #122

Rite of Flame #96

Rite of Consumption #76

Rising Miasma #122

Rise of the Dark Realms #111

Rise of Eagles #49

Rise from the Grave #107

Rise (Rise/Fall) #73

Righteous Charge #23

Rift Bolt #126

Ribbons of the Reikai #50

Ribbons of Night #101

Rhystic Tutor #77

Rhystic Syphon #76

Rhystic Scrying #44

Revoke Existence #25

Reviving Melody #138

Revive the Fallen #76

Revive #187

Reverse the Sands #41

Reversal of Fortune #77

Reverent Silence #111

Revenge of the Hunted #191

Revel of the Fallen God #155

Return to the Ranks #29

Retribution of the Meek #119

Retribution #99

Retraced Image #46

Retether #13

Resurrection #12

Restore Balance #38

Restore #167

Restock #195

Restless Dreams #79

Resounding Scream #83

Reshape #31

Research the Deep #46