Card Library

Bushi Tenderfoot #2

Callous Deceiver #53

Cruel Deceiver #106

Cursed Ronin #107

Deathcurse Ogre #109

Devoted Retainer #7

Dosan the Falling Leaf #205

Dripping-Tongue Zubera #206

Earthshaker #165

Eight-and-a-Half-Tails #8

Ember-Fist Zubera #166

Feral Deceiver #208

Floating-Dream Zubera #61

Frostwielder #167

Gibbering Kami #112

Godo, Bandit Warlord #169

Graceful Adept #63

Guardian of Solitude #64

Gutwrencher Oni #113

Hana Kami #147

Harsh Deceiver #11

He Who Hungers #114

Hearth Kami #171

Hikari, Twilight Guardian #12

Hisoka's Guard #68

Hisoka, Minamo Sensei #66

Horizon Seed #15

Horobi, Death's Wail #117

Humble Budoka #214

Hundred-Talon Kami #16

Iname, Death Aspect #118

Iname, Life Aspect #215

Initiate of Blood #173

Innocence Kami #18

Isamaru, Hound of Konda #19

Jugan, the Rising Star #150

Jukai Messenger #218

Jushi Apprentice #70

Kabuto Moth #20

Kami of Ancient Law #21

Kami of Fire's Roar #174

Kami of Lunacy #119

Kami of the Hunt #219

Kami of the Painted Road #23

Kami of the Palace Fields #24

Kami of the Waning Moon #120

Kami of Twisted Reflection #71

Kashi-Tribe Reaver #220

Kashi-Tribe Warriors #221

Keiga, the Tide Star #48

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker #120

Kiku, Night's Flower #121

Kitsune Blademaster #25

Kitsune Diviner #26

Kitsune Healer #27

Kitsune Mystic #28

Kitsune Riftwalker #29

Kodama of the North Tree #222

Kodama of the South Tree #223

Kokusho, the Evening Star #89

Konda's Hatamoto #31

Konda, Lord of Eiganjo #30

Kumano's Pupils #177

Kumano, Master Yamabushi #176

Kuro, Pitlord #44

Lantern Kami #32

Marrow-Gnawer #124

Masako the Humorless #33

Matsu-Tribe Decoy #227

Meloku the Clouded Mirror #52

Moss Kami #228

Mothrider Samurai #34

Myojin of Cleansing Fire #35

Myojin of Infinite Rage #181

Myojin of Life's Web #229

Myojin of Night's Reach #126

Myojin of Seeing Winds #75

Nagao, Bound by Honor #36

Nezumi Bone-Reader #127

Nezumi Cutthroat #128

Nezumi Graverobber #92

Nezumi Ronin #130

Nezumi Shortfang #131

Numai Outcast #134

Orbweaver Kumo #231

Ore Gorger #182

Orochi Eggwatcher #233

Orochi Leafcaller #234

Orochi Ranger #235

Orochi Sustainer #236

Pain Kami #183

Painwracker Oni #136

Pious Kitsune #38

Rag Dealer #138

River Kaijin #83

Ronin Houndmaster #184

Rootrunner #237

Ryusei, the Falling Star #128

Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro #238

Sakura-Tribe Elder #177