Card Library

Name Type
Festering Newt
Gnawing Zombie
Lifebane Zombie
Liliana's Reaver
Minotaur Abomination
Shadowborn Apostle
Shadowborn Demon
Syphon Sliver
Tenacious Dead
Undead Minotaur
Vampire Warlord
Xathrid Necromancer
Academy Raider
Battle Sliver
Blur Sliver
Cyclops Tyrant
Dragon Egg
Fleshpulper Giant
Goblin Diplomats
Marauding Maulhorn
Ogre Battledriver
Regathan Firecat
Scourge of Valkas
Striking Sliver
Thorncaster Sliver
Young Pyromancer
Advocate of the Beast
Elvish Mystic
Groundshaker Sliver
Kalonian Hydra
Kalonian Tusker
Manaweft Sliver
Megantic Sliver
Predatory Sliver
Rumbling Baloth
Vastwood Hydra
Voracious Wurm
Woodborn Behemoth
Fyndhorn Elves
Wall of Blossoms
Cavalry Pegasus
Decorated Griffin
Ephara's Warden
Evangel of Heliod
Fabled Hero
Favored Hoplite
Hundred-Handed One
Lagonna-Band Elder
Leonin Snarecaster
Phalanx Leader
Scholar of Athreos
Setessan Battle Priest
Setessan Griffin
Silent Artisan
Soldier of the Pantheon
Traveling Philosopher
Wingsteed Rider
Yoked Ox
Artisan of Forms
Benthic Giant
Breaching Hippocamp
Coastline Chimera
Crackling Triton
Horizon Scholar
Master of Waves
Meletis Charlatan
Prescient Chimera
Prognostic Sphinx
Sealock Monster
Shipbreaker Kraken
Triton Fortune Hunter
Triton Shorethief
Wavecrash Triton
Abhorrent Overlord
Agent of the Fates
Asphodel Wanderer
Blood-Toll Harpy
Disciple of Phenax
Felhide Minotaur
Fleshmad Steed
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
Hythonia the Cruel
Insatiable Harpy
Keepsake Gorgon
Loathsome Catoblepas
Mogis's Marauder
Returned Centaur
Returned Phalanx
Tormented Hero
Akroan Crusader
Arena Athlete
Borderland Minotaur
Deathbellow Raider
Ember Swallower
Fanatic of Mogis