Card Library

Name Type
Epic Proportions
Epiphany Storm
Erebos's Emissary
Erebos, God of the Dead
Eternal Thirst
Eternity Snare
Ethereal Armor
Evanescent Intellect
Everflame Eidolon
Everlasting Torment
Evil Presence
Exclusion Ritual
Exquisite Blood
Eye of the Storm
Eyes of the Watcher
Eyes of the Wisent
Fable of Wolf and Owl
Faerie Tauntings
Faith's Fetters
Fallen Ideal
Fatal Attraction
Fate Foretold
Fate Unraveler
Favor of the Mighty
Favor of the Overbeing
Favor of the Woods
Favorable Winds
Fearsome Temper
Feast on the Fallen
Feed the Pack
Fencer's Magemark
Feral Invocation
Fertile Ground
Field of Reality
Field of Souls
Fiery Bombardment
Finest Hour
Fire Whip
Fires of Yavimaya
First Response
Fishliver Oil
Fists of Ironwood
Fists of the Demigod
Five-Alarm Fire
Flamespeaker's Will
Flight of Fancy
Flitterstep Eidolon
Flourishing Defenses
Flowstone Blade
Flowstone Embrace
Followed Footsteps
Font of Fertility
Font of Fortunes
Font of Ire
Font of Return
Font of Vigor
Fool's Demise
Forced Adaptation
Forced Fruition
Forced Worship
Forgeborn Oreads
Form of the Dragon
Fractured Loyalty
Freed from the Real
Freyalise's Radiance
From Beyond
Frontier Siege
Frozen Æther
Frozen Solid
Fruit of the First Tree
Full Moon's Rise
Furnace Celebration
Furnace of Rath
Furor of the Bitten
Gaea's Anthem
Galvanic Arc
Genju of the Cedars
Genju of the Falls
Genju of the Fens
Genju of the Fields
Genju of the Realm
Genju of the Spires
Ghitu Firebreathing
Ghostblade Eidolon
Ghostly Possession
Ghostly Prison
Ghostly Touch
Gibbering Descent
Gift of Granite
Gift of Immortality