Card Library

Name Type
Barrage of Expendables
Burning Earth
Dark Prophecy
Dismiss into Dream
Illusionary Armor
Into the Wilds
Oath of the Ancient Wood
Path of Bravery
Primeval Bounty
Zephyr Charge
Blood Moon
Bound in Silence
Bridge from Below
Doubling Season
Moldervine Cloak
Pyromancer's Swath
Take Possession
Bred for the Hunt
Deadbridge Chant
Gleam of Battle
Gruul War Chant
Krasis Incubation
Legion's Initiative
Possibility Storm
Runner's Bane
Sinister Possession
Unflinching Courage
Field of Souls
Sulfuric Vortex
Alpha Authority
Assemble the Legion
Blind Obedience
Crackling Perimeter
Death's Approach
Debtor's Pulpit
Dying Wish
Five-Alarm Fire
Forced Adaptation
Gift of Orzhova
Guildscorn Ward
Hold the Gates
Holy Mantle
Illness in the Ranks
Madcap Skills
Murder Investigation
One Thousand Lashes
Ooze Flux
Primal Visitation
Soul Ransom
Tin Street Market
Verdant Haven
Way of the Thief
Mirari's Wake
Rhystic Study
Sylvan Library
Chronic Flooding
Collective Blessing
Conjured Currency
Death's Presence
Detention Sphere
Deviant Glee
Ethereal Armor
Grave Betrayal
Growing Ranks
Guild Feud
Havoc Festival
Knightly Valor
Mana Bloom
Martial Law
Paralyzing Grasp
Pursuit of Flight
Racecourse Fury
Rest in Peace
Righteous Authority
Search the City
Security Blockade
Shrieking Affliction
Soul Tithe
Sphere of Safety
Stab Wound
Underworld Connections
Urban Burgeoning
Angelic Benediction
Battle of Wits
Blood Reckoning
Crippling Blight
Dark Favor
Divine Favor
Ground Seal
Mark of the Vampire
Oblivion Ring