Card Library

Cleansing #77

Cleansing Meditation #3

Clear a Path #136

Clear the Land #235

Cleaver Riot #125

Clone Legion #48

Clutch of Currents #72

Coalition Victory #91

Coastal Discovery #73

Coerced Confession #217

Coercion #118

Collective Unconscious #187

Collective Voyage #147

Commune with Nature #256

Commune with the Gods #155

Compulsive Research #102

Concentrate #103

Concussive Bolt #60

Cone of Flame #137

Conflagrate #151

Conflux #102

Conjurer's Ban #108

Conqueror's Pledge #8

Consult the Necrosages #199

Consume Spirit #88

Consuming Bonfire #161

Consuming Vapors #101

Contract from Below #5

Corpsehatch #103

Corrosive Gale #107

Corrupt #91

Council's Judgment #16

Counsel of the Soratami #76

Coursers' Accord #154

Covenant of Blood #91

Covenant of Minds #38

Crack the Earth #98

Cranial Extraction #105

Crater's Claws #106

Craterize #126

Creeping Corrosion #78

Creeping Mold #258

Creeping Renaissance #174

Crime (Crime/Punishment) #150

Crippling Fatigue #58

Cruel Edict #48

Cruel Ultimatum #182

Crumble to Dust #128

Crush of Tentacles #53

Crush of Wurms #110

Crux of Fate #65

Cry of Contrition #46

Cryoclasm #195

Culling Mark #120

Culling Sun #109

Cultivate #139

Cultural Exchange #79

Curse of the Cabal #99

Curse of the Swine #46

Cut the Tethers #56

Cyclical Evolution #125

Damnable Pact #93

Damnation #85

Dance of Shadows #108

Dangerous (Armed/Dangerous) #122b

Dark Deal #66

Darkpact #8

Dawn to Dusk #6

Dawnglow Infusion #225

Day of Judgment #12

Dead Drop #67

Dead Reckoning #56

Dead Ringers #37

Deadly Allure #58

Deadshot #170

Death by Dragons #118

Death Cloud #76

Death Frenzy #172

Death Grasp #183

Death Mutation #192

Death or Glory #13

Death Stroke #7

Death Wish #64

Death's Caress #59

Death's Duet #60

Deathmark #90

Debt to the Deathless #64

Decimate #185

Decompose #20

Deconstruct #118

Decree of Annihilation #85

Decree of Justice #70

Decree of Pain #72

Deep Analysis #38

Deep Reconnaissance #236

Defeat #97

Defy Death #16

Delirium Skeins #41

Dematerialize #81

Demolish #118