Card Library

Name Type
Sea God's Revenge
Thassa's Bounty
Sip of Hemlock
Tempt with Glory
Plea for Guidance
Pinnacle of Rage
Whims of the Fates
Interpret the Signs
Rise of Eagles
Extinguish All Hope
Spiteful Blow
Reign of the Pit
Grenzo's Rebuttal
Call (Beck/Call)
Entering (Breaking/Entering)
Release (Catch/Release)
Triplicate Spirits
Endless Obedience
Set Adrift
Rite of the Serpent
See the Unwritten
Shifting Loyalties
Tasigur's Cruelty
Mob Rule
Descent of the Dragons
Gruesome Slaughter
Part the Waterveil
Nissa's Renewal
Crush of Tentacles
Defy Death
Devastation Tide
Burn at the Stake
Reforge the Soul
Blessings of Nature
Diabolic Revelation
Essence Drain
Rise from the Grave
Cleaver Riot
Turn to Slag
Bountiful Harvest
Predatory Rampage
Time Reversal
Lava Axe
Increasing Devotion
Death's Caress
Harrowing Journey
Increasing Ambition
Scorch the Fields
Maw of the Mire
Unburial Rites
Creeping Renaissance
Spider Spawning
Destroy the Evidence
Goblin Rally
Survey the Wreckage
Skull Rend
Covenant of Minds
Volcanic Submersion
Soul's Might
Laquatus's Creativity
Haunting Echoes
Shower of Coals
Caress of Phyrexia
Victorious Destruction
Spread the Sickness
Concussive Bolt
Explosive Revelation
Fissure Vent
World at War
Iona's Judgment
Bestial Menace
Conqueror's Pledge
Landbind Ritual
Desecrated Earth
Mind Sludge
Spire Barrage
Deny Reality
Drastic Revelation
Slave of Bolas
Overwhelming Stampede
Time Warp
Yawning Fissure
Telemin Performance
Voices from the Void
Soul's Majesty
Hallowed Burial
Phosphorescent Feast
Savage Conception
Worm Harvest
Waves of Aggression
Incremental Blight
Torrent of Souls
Traitor's Roar