Card Library

Disowned Ancestor #70

Grim Haruspex #73

Gurmag Swiftwing #74

Kheru Bloodsucker #75

Kheru Dreadmaw #76

Krumar Bond-Kin #77

Mardu Skullhunter #78

Mer-Ek Nightblade #79

Necropolis Fiend #82

Rotting Mastodon #87

Ruthless Ripper #88

Shambling Attendants #89

Sidisi's Pet #90

Sultai Scavenger #91

Swarm of Bloodflies #92

Unyielding Krumar #94

Ainok Tracker #96

Ashcloud Phoenix #99

Bloodfire Expert #101

Bloodfire Mentor #102

Canyon Lurkers #105

Dragon-Style Twins #108

Horde Ambusher #110

Jeering Instigator #113

Leaping Master #114

Mardu Blazebringer #115

Mardu Heart-Piercer #116

Mardu Warshrieker #117

Monastery Swiftspear #118

Summit Prowler #160

Valley Dasher #125

War-Name Aspirant #126

Alpine Grizzly #127

Archers' Parapet #128

Heir of the Wilds #134

Highland Game #135

Hooded Hydra #136

Hooting Mandrills #137

Kin-Tree Warden #139

Longshot Squad #140

Meandering Towershell #141

Pine Walker #143

Rattleclaw Mystic #144

Sagu Archer #146

Smoke Teller #151

Sultai Flayer #152

Temur Charger #153

Tusked Colossodon #155

Tuskguard Captain #156

Woolly Loxodon #158

Abomination of Gudul #159

Abzan Guide #162

Anafenza, the Foremost #163

Ankle Shanker #164

Armament Corps #165

Avalanche Tusker #166

Bear's Companion #167

Butcher of the Horde #168

Chief of the Edge #169

Chief of the Scale #170

Efreet Weaponmaster #175

Highspire Mantis #177

Icefeather Aven #178

Ivorytusk Fortress #179

Kheru Lich Lord #182

Mantis Rider #184

Mardu Roughrider #187

Narset, Enlightened Master #190

Ponyback Brigade #191

Rakshasa Deathdealer #192

Rakshasa Vizier #193

Sage of the Inward Eye #195

Sagu Mauler #196

Savage Knuckleblade #197

Sidisi, Brood Tyrant #199

Siege Rhino #200

Snowhorn Rider #201

Sultai Soothsayer #205

Surrak Dragonclaw #206

Warden of the Eye #212

Zurgo Helmsmasher #214

Angel of the Dire Hour #1

Angelic Field Marshal #2

Containment Priest #5

Hallowed Spiritkeeper #8

Jazal Goldmane #9

Breaching Leviathan #12

Dulcet Sirens #14

Reef Worm #16

Stitcher Geralf #17

Stormsurge Kraken #18

Demon of Wailing Agonies #21

Flesh Carver #22

Ghoulcaller Gisa #23

Overseer of the Damned #28

Raving Dead #29

Dualcaster Mage #34

Feldon of the Third Path #35

Tyrant's Familiar #39

Warmonger Hellkite #41