Card Library

Name Type
Adverse Conditions
Horribly Awry
Spell Shrivel
Roilmage's Trick
Scatter to the Winds
Complete Disregard
Grave Birthing
Grip of Desolation
Turn Against
Sure Strike
Volcanic Upheaval
Unnatural Aggression
Infuse with the Elements
Natural Connection
Swell of Growth
Brutal Expulsion
Spatial Contortion
Warping Wail
Dazzling Reflection
Immolating Glare
Make a Stand
Mighty Leap
Searing Light
Abstruse Interference
Void Shatter
Comparative Analysis
Gift of Tusks
Grip of the Roil
Overwhelming Denial
Sweep Away
Unity of Purpose
Unnatural Endurance
Corpse Churn
Grasp of Darkness
Tar Snare
Consuming Sinkhole
Kozilek's Return
Reality Hemorrhage
Brute Strength
Fall of the Titans
Tears of Valakut
Elemental Uprising
Lead by Example
Natural State
Pulse of Murasa
Vines of the Recluse
Inaction Injunction
Assassin's Strike
Destroy the Evidence
Mind Rot
Goblin Rally
Mizzium Mortars
Survey the Wreckage
Traitorous Instinct
Horncaller's Chant
Seek the Horizon
Slime Molding
Call of the Conclave
Coursers' Accord
Epic Experiment
Jarad's Orders
Rakdos's Return
Rites of Reaping
Search Warrant
Skull Rend
Slaughter Games
Supreme Verdict
Treasured Find
Clan Defiance
Hands of Binding
Righteous Charge
Knight Watch
Call of the Nightwing
Midnight Recovery
Act of Treason
Merciless Eviction
Whispering Madness
Mark for Death
Frenzied Tilling
Purge the Profane
Serene Remembrance
Undercity Plague
Last Thoughts
Shadow Slice
Mental Vapors
Miming Slime
Structural Collapse
Angelic Edict
Mind Grind
Coerced Confession
Immortal Servitude
Ground Assault