Card Library

Hordeling Outburst #111

Horncaller's Chant #128

Howl of the Horde #112

Howl of the Night Pack #178

Hunt the Hunter #159

Hunt the Weak #133

Hunter's Prowess #124

Immortal Servitude #220

In Garruk's Wake #100

Inaction Injunction #41

Incremental Growth #138

Interpret the Signs #43

Into the Void #60

Jarad's Orders #175

Kin-Tree Invocation #183

Knight Watch #19

Kruphix's Insight #129

Last Thoughts #40

Launch the Fleet #15

Lava Axe #154

Lay of the Land #183

Life's Legacy #183

Liturgy of Blood #104

Lyev Decree #3

March from the Tomb #214

March of the Returned #96

Mark for Death #99

Mass Calcify #18

Master the Way #188

Mental Vapors #72

Merciless Eviction #177

Midnight Recovery #73

Miming Slime #126

Mind Grind #178

Mind Rot #110

Mind Sculpt #70

Mire's Malice #117

Mischief and Mayhem #126

Mizzium Mortars #101

Molten Birth #147

Morgue Burst #86

Mugging #102

Nissa's Expedition #188

Nissa's Judgment #139

Nissa's Renewal #180

Oblivion Strike #75

Obzedat's Aid #89

Ondu Rising #41

Overwhelm #189

Painful Truths #120

Paranoid Delusions #186

Part the Waterveil #80

Peak Eruption #132

Peregrination #132

Phytoburst #46

Pilfered Plans #90

Pinnacle of Rage #105

Planar Cleansing #29

Planar Outburst #42

Plea for Guidance #24

Portent of Betrayal #133

Press into Service #114

Processor Assault #132

Psychic Intrusion #200

Pull from the Deep #47

Purge the Profane #190

Radiant Flames #151

Rage of Purphoros #137

Rakdos's Return #188

Rakshasa's Secret #84

Read the Bones #158

Reap Intellect #95

Reclaiming Vines #185

Release (Catch/Release) #125b

Remorseless Punishment #89

Restock #195

Return to the Ranks #29

Revel of the Fallen God #155

Reviving Melody #138

Revoke Existence #25

Righteous Charge #23

Rise of Eagles #49

Rise of the Dark Realms #111

Rising Miasma #122

Rite of the Serpent #86

Rites of Reaping #191

Roar of Challenge #145

Roil Spout #219

Roiling Waters #62

Rollick of Abandon #108

Rolling Thunder #154

Ruin in Their Wake #122

Ruinous Path #123

Rush of Battle #19

Rush of Ice #84

Sanguimancy #81

Savage Punch #147

Scouring Sands #110

Scout the Borders #148

Sea God's Revenge #61