Card Library

Encircling Fissure #23

Ephemeral Shields #11

Erase #9

Essence Backlash #160

Essence Scatter #55

Executioner's Swing #161

Expedite #108

Explosive Impact #94

Eye Gouge #67

Eyes in the Skies #10

Fall of the Gavel #161

Fall of the Hammer #93

Fall of the Titans #109

Far (Far/Away) #127

Fatal Fumes #24

Fated Conflagration #94

Fated Infatuation #39

Fated Intervention #121

Fated Retribution #11

Fated Return #69

Feast of Dreams #69

Feat of Resistance #10

Feed the Clan #132

Firemind's Foresight #162

Flesh to Dust #98

Flying Crane Technique #176

Fog #171

Force Away #40

Fortify #19

Frost Breath #56

Furious Resistance #93

Gainsay #49

Gather Courage #175

Giant Growth #174

Gideon's Reproach #30

Gift of Tusks #55

Glimpse the Sun God #13

Gods Willing #16

Golgari Charm #164

Grasp of Darkness #85

Grave Birthing #93

Gridlock #36

Grim Return #100

Grip of Desolation #94

Grip of the Roil #56

Griptide #50

Grisly Salvage #165

Grisly Spectacle #66

Gruul Charm #169

Heat Ray #148

Hero's Downfall #90

Heroes' Reunion #168

Hindervines #124

Hold at Bay #18

Homing Lightning #96

Horribly Awry #59

Hour of Need #40

Hubris #41

Hunter's Ambush #180

Hydroform #172

Hydrosurge #58

Icy Blast #42

Immolating Glare #20

Infuse with the Elements #175

Inspiration #42

Inspired Charge #32

Izzet Charm #172

Jace's Ingenuity #63

Jeskai Charm #181

Kill Shot #15

Killing Glare #70

Kiora's Dismissal #44

Kozilek's Return #98

Lash of the Whip #94

Last Breath #22

Launch Party #69

Lead by Example #134

Lightning Strike #155

Lightning Volley #101

Lithomancer's Focus #38

Loss (Profit/Loss) #130b

Lost in a Labyrinth #52

Magma Jet #128

Magma Spray #103

Make a Stand #26

Mardu Charm #186

Martial Glory #175

Massive Raid #100

Meditation Puzzle #19

Mending Touch #44

Mighty Leap #28

Mindstatic #14

Mindswipe #189

Mizzium Skin #45

Mortal's Ardor #20

Mortal's Resolve #127

Murderous Cut #81

Mutant's Prey #45

Mystic Genesis #180

Natural Connection #179