Card Library

Counterbore #33

Corrupted Resolve #32

Corpse Lunge #93

Corpse Dance #10

Corpse Churn #83

Coordinated Barrage #7

Coordinated Assault #116

Convolute #41

Controvert #30

Contradict #49

Contagion #4

Consuming Vortex #54

Consuming Sinkhole #94

Consume the Meek #100

Consume Strength #93

Constricting Tendrils #22

Constant Mists #54

Consign to Dust #119

Consign to Dream #32

Congregation at Dawn #198

Congregate #6

Confound #22

Condescend #28

Condemn #69

Complicate #76

Complete Disregard #90

Comparative Analysis #51

Commune with Lava #131

Common Bond #151

Commando Raid #195

Commandeer #29

Comeuppance #4

Comet Storm #117

Combust #128

Colossal Might #190

Colossal Heroics #118

Collected Company #177

Collateral Damage #95

Coffin Purge #124

Cobra Trap #146

Coat with Venom #91

Clutch of the Undercity #197

Cloudshift #12

Clockspinning #53

Clinging Mists #109

Clear #7

Cleansing Beam #116

Clairvoyance #63

Circular Logic #33

Cinder Cloud #165

Chronostutter #48

Chorus of Might #119

Chord of Calling #172

Choking Vines #65

Choking Tethers #74

Choking Fumes #4

Chill to the Bone #52

Chill Haunting #60

Chemister's Trick #149

Chastise #9

Charge Across the Araba #4

Char #14

Chaotic Strike #140

Chaotic Backlash #49

Chaoslace #200

Chaos Warp #174

Chaos Charm #163

Chant of Vitu-Ghazi #7

Channel Harm #7

Change of Heart #103

Chandra's Outrage #133

Chandra's Fury #124

Chameleon Blur #192

Chain Stasis #28

Chain of Vapor #73

Chain of Silence #12

Chain of Plasma #193

Cerulean Wisps #31

Cerebral Vortex #107

Center Soul #8

Celestial Purge #11

Celestial Flare #12

Cease-Fire #14

Cauldron Haze #84

Cauldron Dance #238

Catalog #65

Carrion Call #115

Carrion #9

Carom #6

Careful Consideration #37

Carbonize #83

Captain's Maneuver #92

Capsize #55

Canopy Claws #108

Cankerous Thirst #116

Candles' Glow #5

Cancel #33

Camouflage #96

Call to Heel #18

Call to Glory #4