Card Library

Lethargy Trap #51

Mindbreak Trap #57

Summoner's Bane #71

Ravenous Trap #109

Inferno Trap #43

Offering to Asha #9

Inspired Charge #32

Disorient #48

Tendrils of Corruption #166

Might of Oaks #192

Cankerous Thirst #116

Invert the Skies #155

Put Away #48

Gloomwidow's Feast #118

Æthertow #136

Mirrorweave #143

Repel Intruders #147

Memory Plunder #169

Neck Snap #32

Cryptic Command #38

Makeshift Mannequin #20

Wild Ricochet #132

Heal the Scars #217

Discombobulate #81

Plagiarize #97

Sudden Impact #25

Chastise #9

Deflection #74

Boil #180

Lightning Blast #200

Nocturnal Raid #151

Solidarity #46

Reverberation #74

Storm Seeker #119

Rapid Fire #201

Fanatical Fever #122

Trailblazer #160

Venomous Breath #281

Ambush #78

Feast or Famine #72

Controvert #30

Surging Æther #47

Chill to the Bone #52

Mystic Melting #114

Vanish into Memory #31

Ether Well #65

Lure of Prey #125

Barreling Attack #157

Blind Fury #158

Dismiss #106

Slaughter #74

Turnabout #105

Scour #20

Quash #47

Ramosian Rally #38

Reverent Mantra #44

Thwart #108

Snuff Out #53

Blood Oath #177

Warpath #226

Angelic Favor #1

Sivvi's Ruse #21

Ensnare #32

Refreshing Rain #110

Mirror Strike #17

Foil #70

Snag #124

Agonizing Demise #66

Reviving Vapors #265

Spite (Spite/Malice) #71

Surprise Deployment #18

Death Bomb #41

Magma Burst #66

Suffocating Blast #124

Order (Order/Chaos) #132

Spirit Flare #15

Insidious Dreams #66

Psychotic Haze #76

Temporary Insanity #73

Violent Eruption #117

Sudden Strength #132

Defensive Maneuvers #23

Choking Tethers #74

Psychic Trance #102

Wheel and Deal #121

Death Pulse #137

Solar Blast #234

Recuperate #21

Hindering Touch #37

Altar's Light #1

Irradiate #67

Grab the Reins #95

Bloodscent #114

Last Word #23

Burden of Greed #38

Shriveling Rot #54

Tears of Rage #70

Abuna's Chant #1

Retaliate #13

Fold into Æther #31