Card Library

Psychic Puppetry #80

Reach Through Mists #61

Reweave #82

Sift Through Sands #84

Squelch #92

Thoughtbind #96

Hideous Laughter #115

Pull Under #137

Rend Flesh #140

Rend Spirit #141

Soulless Revival #144

Blind with Anger #158

Crushing Pain #162

Desperate Ritual #110

Devouring Rage #164

Glacial Ray #115

Hanabi Blast #170

Sideswipe #187

Strange Inversion #192

Through the Breach #193

Unnatural Speed #197

Yamabushi's Flame #198

Kodama's Might #224

Strength of Cedars #245

Wear Away #250

Hundred-Talon Strike #8

Shining Shoal #21

Terashi's Verdict #27

Disrupting Shoal #33

Minamo's Meddling #42

Stream of Consciousness #53

Toils of Night and Day #57

Veil of Secrecy #59

Call for Blood #63

Goryo's Vengeance #67

Hero's Demise #68

Horobi's Whisper #88

Sickening Shoal #82

Aura Barbs #94

Blazing Shoal #96

First Volley #100

Flames of the Blood Hand #22

Ire of Kaminari #109

Overblaze #114

Torrent of Stone #137

Nourishing Shoal #137

Roar of Jukai #140

Unchecked Growth #148

Vital Surge #150

Æther Shockwave #1

Charge Across the Araba #4

Curtain of Light #6

Plow Through Reito #22

Pure Intentions #25

Spiritual Visit #29

Cut the Earthly Bond #32

Evermind #37

Oppressive Will #50

Overwhelming Intellect #28

Shifting Borders #56

Death Denied #77

Death of a Thousand Stings #64

One with Nothing #84

Barrel Down Sokenzan #94

Gaze of Adamaro #98

Hidetsugu's Second Rite #102

Into the Fray #106

Path of Anger's Flame #109

Inner Calm, Outer Strength #133

Rending Vines #143

Boros Fury-Shield #5

Chant of Vitu-Ghazi #7

Devouring Light #9

Festival of the Guildpact #17

Leave No Trace #23

Seed Spark #30

Wojek Siren #37

Convolute #41

Dizzy Spell #43

Induce Paranoia #56

Mnemonic Nexus #59

Muddle the Mixture #60

Quickchange #62

Remand #63

Darkblast #82

Disembowel #85

Last Gasp #93

Moonlight Bargain #95

Shred Memory #105

Char #14

Cleansing Beam #116

Dogpile #120

Fiery Conclusion #42

Flash Conscription #124

Reroute #139

Surge of Zeal #146

Chord of Calling #172

Dryad's Caress #160

Gather Courage #175

Scatter the Seeds #181