Card Library

Restore #167

Rough / Tumble #118

Scouring Sands #110

Skyreaping #140

Twinflame #115

Desperate Stand #147

Tyrant's Choice #30

Blood (Flesh/Blood) #128b

Return to the Ranks #29

Life's Legacy #183

Taigam's Scheming #57

Tormenting Voice #163

Savage Punch #147

Kin-Tree Invocation #183

Soul Summons #26

Fascination #34

Grave Strength #71

Wildcall #146

Damnable Pact #93

Defeat #97

Self-Inflicted Wound #117

Magmatic Chasm #148

Roast #151

Epic Confrontation #185

Ondu Rising #41

Transgress the Mind #101

Processor Assault #132

Boiling Earth #142

Earthen Arms #172

Seek the Wilds #189

Sparkmage's Gambit #117

Ruin in Their Wake #122

Appetite for Brains #84

Bone Splinters #105

Killing Wave #111

Bonfire of the Damned #129

Pillar of Flame #149

Index #55

Disentomb #89

Duress #98

Prey Upon #181

Ponder #73

Deathmark #90

Taste of Blood #113

Fireball #106

Goblin Grenade #140

Artful Dodge #27

Increasing Confusion #41

Deadly Allure #58

Faithless Looting #175

Silent Departure #75

Bump in the Night #57

Ghoulcaller's Chant #101

Devil's Play #72

Infernal Plunge #148

Caravan Vigil #173

Vandalblast #111

Slime Molding #135

Alliance of Arms #4

Minds Aglow #51

Careful Study #70

Extract #85

Innocent Blood #145

Skull Fracture #162

Tombfire #165

Firebolt #49

Reckless Charge #215

Chatter of the Squirrel #233

New Frontiers #257

Piper's Melody #261

Simplify #269

Gitaxian Probe #35

Despise #69

Postmortem Lunge #70

Corrosive Gale #107

Horrifying Revelation #45

Red Sun's Zenith #74

Green Sun's Zenith #19

Assault Strobe #82

Kuldotha Rebirth #96

Oust #40

Distortion Strike #60

Shared Discovery #87

Inquisition of Kozilek #115

Nighthaze #118

Devastating Summons #140

Flame Slash #60

Forked Bolt #146

Ancient Stirrings #174

Gelatinous Genesis #183

Irresistible Prey #188

Mire's Toll #60

Preordain #24

Tome Scour #75

Burning Inquiry #128

Burst of Speed #129

Earthquake #121

Wretched Banquet #56

Banefire #58

Raven's Crime #95