Card Library

Long-Term Plans #38

Reaping the Graves #72

Carbonize #83

Scattershot #102

Sprouting Vines #173

Blinding Beam #7

Second Sunrise #20

Override #45

Thirst for Knowledge #67

Grim Reminder #66

Wail of the Nim #81

Incite War #96

Metal Fatigue #8

Pulse of the Fields #11

Machinate #24

Magnetic Flux #25

Pulse of the Grid #29

Second Sight #33

Vex #36

Barbed Lightning #55

Pulse of the Forge #66

Unforge #71

Armed Response #2

Vanquish #20

Ferocious Charge #88

Hold the Line #13

Hinder #65

Lifted by Clouds #73

Sift Through Sands #84

Thoughtbind #96

Rend Flesh #140

Rend Spirit #141

Hanabi Blast #170

Strange Inversion #192

Yamabushi's Flame #198

Toils of Night and Day #57

Horobi's Whisper #88

Aura Barbs #94

Flames of the Blood Hand #22

Roar of Jukai #140

Unchecked Growth #148

Oppressive Will #50

Barrel Down Sokenzan #94

Path of Anger's Flame #109

Inner Calm, Outer Strength #133

Rending Vines #143

Boros Fury-Shield #5

Devouring Light #9

Convolute #41

Char #14

Chord of Calling #172

Sundering Vitae #185

Congregation at Dawn #198

Perplex #217

Putrefy #93

Rally the Righteous #222

Ghostway #6

Withstand #21

Runeboggle #33

Thunderheads #23

Douse in Gloom #68

Crash Landing #82

Wildsize #23

Cerebral Vortex #107

Electrolyze #175

Mortify #190

Schismotivate #129

Steeling Stance #18

Flash Foliage #85

Cytoshape #108

Voidslime #137

Hit (Hit/Run) #152

Fortify #19

Bewilder #49

Wipe Away #94

Strangling Soot #65

Sudden Death #134

Sudden Spoiling #164

Orcish Cannonade #148

Reiterate #175

Krosan Grip #153

Erratic Mutation #42

Kor Dirge #87

Fatal Frenzy #98

Dust of Moments #5

Even the Odds #6

Venser's Diffusion #47

Ghostfire #69


Erase (Not the Urza's Legacy One) #10

Flaccify #32

Number Crunch #42

Eye to Eye #54

Kill Destroy #58

Blast from the Past #72

Sauté #88

Graphic Violence #100

Team Spirit #67

Spell Crumple #63

Chaos Warp #174