Card Library

Carbonize #83

Scattershot #102

Spark Spray #105

Accelerated Mutation #109

Decree of Savagery #115

Divergent Growth #116

Hunting Pack #160

Sprouting Vines #173

Altar's Light #1

Awe Strike #6

Blinding Beam #7

Raise the Alarm #26

Razor Barrier #26

Roar of the Kha #18

Second Sunrise #20

Soul Nova #25

Assert Authority #30

Disarm #32

Dream's Grip #34

Override #45

Thirst for Knowledge #67

Betrayal of Flesh #58

Grim Reminder #66

Irradiate #67

Spoils of the Vault #78

Wail of the Nim #81

Electrostatic Bolt #89

Forge Armor #92

Grab the Reins #95

Incite War #96

Shrapnel Blast #161

Battlegrowth #113

Bloodscent #114

Predator's Strike #128

Turn to Dust #137

Echoing Calm #2

Hallow #4

Metal Fatigue #8

Pulse of the Fields #11

Purge #12

Stir the Pride #30

Test of Faith #33

Turn the Tables #18

Echoing Truth #40

Last Word #23

Machinate #24

Magnetic Flux #25

Pulse of the Grid #29

Retract #32

Second Sight #33

Vex #36

Burden of Greed #38

Echoing Decay #41

Murderous Spoils #48

Shriveling Rot #54

Barbed Lightning #55

Pulse of the Forge #66

Savage Beating #67

Tears of Rage #70

Unforge #71

Echoing Courage #161

Nourish #78

Oxidize #79

Stand Together #84

Abuna's Chant #1

Armed Response #2

Retaliate #13

Stand Firm #17

Vanquish #20

Blinkmoth Infusion #25

Condescend #28

Early Frost #29

Fold into Æther #31

Into Thin Air #33

Spectral Shift #37

Devour in Shadow #46

Lose Hope #52

Plunge into Darkness #57

Feedback Bolt #64

Magma Jet #128

Magnetic Theft #74

Rain of Rust #76

Ferocious Charge #88

Tel-Jilad Justice #95

Blessed Breath #1

Call to Glory #4

Candles' Glow #5

Ethereal Haze #9

Hold the Line #13

Otherworldly Journey #23

Quiet Purity #39

Reciprocate #24

Consuming Vortex #54

Dampen Thought #39

Gifts Ungiven #46

Hinder #65

Hisoka's Defiance #67

Lifted by Clouds #73

Part the Veil #77

Peer Through Depths #57