Card Library

Rally the Righteous #222

Ramosian Rally #38

Ranger's Guile #193

Rapid Decay #67

Rapid Fire #201

Rapid Hybridization #44

Ravenous Trap #109

Ray of Command #56

Ray of Dissolution #27

Ray of Distortion #42

Ray of Erasure #93

Ray of Revelation #17

Razor Barrier #26

Reach of Shadows #81

Reach Through Mists #61

Read the Runes #104

Ready (Ready/Willing) #132

Reality Anchor #140

Reality Hemorrhage #100

Reality Ripple #87

Reality Shift #46

Reality Spasm #81

Realms Uncharted #206

Reap #141

Reap What Is Sown #154

Reaping the Graves #72

Reaping the Rewards #16

Rebound #40

Rebuff the Wicked #12

Rebuild #40

Rebuke #29

Reciprocate #24

Reckless Spite #123

Reclaim #191

Recoil #61

Recuperate #21

Red Elemental Blast #236

Redeem #37

Redeem the Lost #21

Redirect #64

Reflect Damage #337

Refocus #47

Refraction Trap #17

Refresh #264

Refreshing Rain #110

Regenerate #202

Regress #83

Reincarnation #166

Reinforcements #142

Reins of Power #57

Reiterate #175

Reknit #236

Release the Ants #98

Relic Crush #175

Remand #63

Remedy #36

Remove Enchantments #202

Remove Soul #100

Rend Flesh #140

Rend Spirit #141

Render Silent #96

Rending Vines #143

Rending Volley #150

Renewed Faith #50

Renounce #42

Renounce the Guilds #5

Repeal #32

Repel #98

Repel Intruders #147

Repel the Darkness #42

Repopulate #111

Reprisal #23

Repulse #58

Reroute #139

Rescind #92

Rescue #44

Rescue from the Underworld #102

Research (Research/Development) #155

Reset #73

Resize #117

Resounding Roar #144

Resounding Silence #22

Resounding Thunder #110

Resounding Wave #54

Respite #176

Rest for the Weary #18

Restore the Peace #97

Restrain #30

Resupply #32

Resuscitate #121

Retaliate #13

Rethink #42

Retract #32

Retraction Helix #49

Return to Dust #85

Return to the Earth #135

Revealing Wind #197

Reverberate #145

Reverberation #74

Reverent Mantra #44