Card Library

Test of Faith #33

Turn the Tables #18

Unforge #71

Vex #36

Altar's Light #1

Assert Authority #30

Awe Strike #6

Battlegrowth #113

Betrayal of Flesh #58

Blinding Beam #7

Bloodscent #114

Disarm #32

Dream's Grip #34

Electrostatic Bolt #89

Forge Armor #92

Grab the Reins #95

Grim Reminder #66

Incite War #96

Irradiate #67

Override #45

Predator's Strike #128

Raise the Alarm #26

Razor Barrier #26

Roar of the Kha #18

Second Sunrise #20

Shrapnel Blast #161

Soul Nova #25

Spoils of the Vault #78

Thirst for Knowledge #67

Turn to Dust #137

Wail of the Nim #81

Catalog #65

Flash Counter #78

Redeem #37

Searing Wind #218

Solidarity #46

Accelerated Mutation #109

Astral Steel #2

Brain Freeze #29

Carbonize #83

Chill Haunting #60

Decree of Savagery #115

Dispersal Shield #33

Divergent Growth #116

Gilded Light #16

Hindering Touch #37

Hunting Pack #160

Long-Term Plans #38

Metamorphose #40

Reaping the Graves #72

Recuperate #21

Reward the Faithful #22

Scattershot #102

Spark Spray #105

Sprouting Vines #173

Stifle #108

Wing Shards #97

Wipe Clean #26

Akroma's Blessing #1

Artificial Evolution #67

Aura Extraction #5

Backslide #70

Break Open #190

Brightstone Ritual #191

Chain of Plasma #193

Chain of Silence #12

Chain of Vapor #73

Choking Tethers #74

Commando Raid #195

Complicate #76

Cruel Revival #135

Death Pulse #137

Defensive Maneuvers #23

Fade from Memory #144

False Cure #146

Feeding Frenzy #147

Fever Charm #202

Ixidor's Will #90

Mage's Guile #91

Misery Charm #158

Piety Charm #49

Pinpoint Avalanche #221

Primal Boost #277

Psychic Trance #102

Read the Runes #104

Renewed Faith #50

Run Wild #279

Shade's Breath #167

Solar Blast #234

Spy Network #115

Standardize #116

Starstorm #182

Sunfire Balm #56

Tribal Unity #294

Trickery Charm #119

Unified Strike #58

Vitality Charm #296

Wheel and Deal #121

Wirewood Pride #303

Aven Warcraft #2