Card Library

Hidden Guerrillas #261

Hidden Herd #262

Hidden Predators #263

Hidden Spider #264

Hidden Stag #265

Midsummer Revel #268

Retaliation #272

Sporogenesis #273

Venomous Fangs #280

War Dance #282

Cessation #4

Martyr's Cause #13

Opal Avenger #15

Opal Champion #16

Planar Collapse #18

Aura Flux #27

Second Chance #41

Slow Motion #42

Brink of Madness #50

Lurking Skirge #55

No Mercy #56

Phyrexian Reclamation #88

Sleeper's Guile #67

Subversion #68

Treacherous Link #71

Ghitu War Cry #78

Impending Disaster #82

Pyromancy #88

Rivalry #90

Sluggishness #92

Defense of the Heart #100

Hidden Gibbons #104

Multani's Presence #109

Archery Training #2

Capashen Standard #4

Mask of Law and Grace #11

Opalescence #13

Disappear #30

Illuminated Wings #34

Mental Discipline #37

Private Research #41

Sigil of Sleep #25

Treachery #50

Attrition #72

Carnival of Souls #55

Chime of Night #56

Dying Wail #58

Festering Wound #61

Lurking Jackals #62

Twisted Experiment #74

Yawgmoth's Bargain #75

Æther Sting #76

Goblin Festival #83

Incendiary #89

Mark of Fury #93

Repercussion #95

Momentum #113

Pattern of Rebirth #115

Armistice #65

Cho-Manno's Blessing #12

Common Cause #13

Cornered Market #14

Crackdown #15

Inviolability #23

Moonlit Wake #29

Muzzle #30

Righteous Indignation #46

Security Detail #47

Spiritual Focus #49

Buoyancy #63

Charisma #66

Customs Depot #71

Diplomatic Immunity #75

Embargo #77

High Seas #83

Soothsaying #104

Squeeze #105

Statecraft #106

War Tax #113

Black Market #116

Conspiracy #39

Haunted Crossroads #138

Insubordination #141

Intimidation #142

Liability #144

Maggot Therapy #145

Pretender's Claim #151

Putrefaction #153

Soul Channeling #163

Unnatural Hunger #169

Cave Sense #179

Close Quarters #184

Flaming Sword #190

Furious Assault #191

Kyren Negotiations #198

Magistrate's Veto #204

Territorial Dispute #217

Uphill Battle #222

War Cadence #128

Ancestral Mask #229