Card Library

Scrounge #53

Soulscour #14

Deconstruct #118

Fiery Gambit #90

Journey of Discovery #123

Molten Rain #101

One Dozen Eyes #159

Promise of Power #157

Solar Tide #24

Temporal Cascade #52

Thoughtcast #71

Tooth and Nail #170

Trash for Treasure #109

Wrench Mind #84

Ambition's Cost #118

Balance of Power #62

Bribery #64

Collective Unconscious #187

Merchant Scroll #91

Obliterate #204

Peach Garden Oath #34

Plow Under #272

Sever Soul #162

Sizzle #224

Thieves' Auction #227

Vicious Hunger #50

Break Asunder #113

Cabal Conditioning #56

Claws of Wirewood #114

Decree of Annihilation #85

Decree of Justice #70

Decree of Pain #72

Dimensional Breach #9

Dragonstorm #111

Goblin War Strike #96

Mind's Desire #41

Misguided Rage #99

Rush of Knowledge #123

Skulltap #73

Temporal Fissure #53

Tendrils of Agony #75

Torrent of Fire #107

Unburden #77

Airborne Aid #62

Animal Magnetism #245

Aphetto Dredging #28

Blatant Thievery #71

Chain of Acid #252

Chain of Smog #132

Dirge of Dread #73

Endemic Plague #142

Erratic Explosion #41

Essence Fracture #82

Explosive Vegetation #186

Harsh Mercy #39

Insurrection #126

Kaboom! #214

Kamahl's Summons #269

Patriarch's Bidding #161

Peer Pressure #101

Profane Prayers #162

Searing Flesh #225

Slice and Dice #119

Strongarm Tactics #173

Syphon Mind #165

Thunder of Hooves #242

Trade Secrets #64

Wave of Indifference #243

Battle Screech #3

Book Burning #80

Breaking Point #67

Browbeat #66

Burning Wish #83

Cabal Therapy #12

Crush of Wurms #110

Death Wish #64

Firecat Blitz #88

Golden Wish #12

Grizzly Fate #119

Lightning Surge #96

Living Wish #124

Morality Shift #70

Quiet Speculation #49

Rats' Feast #71

Stitch Together #102

Swelter #101

Swirling Sandstorm #102

Venomous Vines #136

Acorn Harvest #118

Breakthrough #92

Chainer's Edict #10

Churning Eddy #32

Cleansing Meditation #3

Crippling Fatigue #58

Deep Analysis #38

Devastating Dreams #95

Dwell on the Past #124

Far Wanderings #125

Flash of Defiance #99

Insist #127