Card Library

Illusionary Armor #59

Illusionary Terrain #77

Illusions of Grandeur #79

Illusory Gains #59

Immobilizing Ink #87

Immolation #222

Impact Tremors #140

Impatience #197

Impending Disaster #82

Imperial Mask #23

Imposing Visage #241

Imprison #21

Impromptu Raid #209

Improvised Armor #40

Impulsive Maneuvers #197

In the Eye of Chaos #61

In the Web of War #108

Incendiary #89

Indestructibility #23

Indomitable Will #17

Indrik Umbra #96

Inertia Bubble #37

Inexorable Tide #35

Infectious Rage #92

Infernal Darkness #23

Infernal Genesis #68

Infernal Tribute #15

Inferno Fist #150

Infiltrator's Magemark #28

Infinite Authority #191

Infinite Reflection #114

Inheritance #130

Inner Sanctum #134

Insight #75

Insolence #63

Instill Energy #166

Instill Furor #134

Insubordination #141

Intangible Virtue #72

Intimidation #142

Into the Wilds #180

Intruder Alarm #86

Invasion Plans #89

Invigorating Boon #267

Inviolability #23

Invisibility #61

Invoke Prejudice #62

Ion Storm #68

Iona's Blessing #21

Ior Ruin Expedition #49

Iroas, God of Victory #150

Ironclaw Curse #244

Island Sanctuary #315

Isolation Zone #22

Ivory Mask #23

Jace's Erasure #60

Jeskai Ascendancy #180

Jeskai Runemark #37

Jihad #60

Jolrael's Favor #116

Journey to Nowhere #17

Justice #317

Kagemaro's Clutch #74

Kamahl's Desire #199

Karametra's Favor #125

Karametra, God of Harvests #148

Karma #28

Karmic Justice #26

Katabatic Winds #59

Kavu Lair #193

Keen Sense #152

Keldon Mantle #65

Keldon Twilight #112

Keranos, God of Storms #151

Khalni Heart Expedition #167

Killer Instinct #120

Kirtar's Desire #27

Kismet #27

Kithkin Armor #135

Kjeldoran Pride #136

Knighthood #25

Knightly Valor #13

Knollspine Invocation #99

Knowledge and Power #101

Koskun Falls #18

Krasis Incubation #79

Krovikan Fetish #34

Krovikan Plague #16

Krovikan Whispers #39

Kruphix, God of Horizons #152

Kudzu #112

Kumano's Blessing #111

Kyren Negotiations #198

Laccolith Rig #88

Lance #211

Land Equilibrium #64

Land Tax #284

Land's Edge #155

Larceny #139

Lashknife #9