Card Library

Name Type
Haunter of Nightveil
Havoc Festival
Havoc Sower
Heart-Piercer Bow
Heat Ray
Hedron Alignment
Hedron Archive
Hedron Blade
Hedron Crawler
Heir of the Wilds
Heliod's Emissary
Heliod's Pilgrim
Heliod, God of the Sun
Hellhole Flailer
Hellkite Tyrant
Hellraiser Goblin
Herald of Anafenza
Herald of Kozilek
Herald of Torment
Hero of Goma Fada
Hero of Iroas
Hero of Leina Tower
Hero's Downfall
Heroes' Bane
Heroes' Podium
Heroes' Reunion
Hidden Strings
High Priest of Penance
High Sentinels of Arashin
Highland Game
Highspire Mantis
Hired Torturer
Hissing Quagmire
Hive Stirrings
Hoarding Dragon
Hold at Bay
Hold the Gates
Holdout Settlement
Holy Mantle
Homing Lightning
Hooded Hydra
Hooting Mandrills
Hopeful Eidolon
Horde Ambusher
Hordeling Outburst
Horizon Chimera
Horizon Scholar
Horncaller's Chant
Hornet Nest
Hornet Queen
Horribly Awry
Horror of the Dim
Hot Soup
Hour of Need
Hover Barrier
Howl of the Horde
Howl of the Night Pack
Humbler of Mortals
Hundred-Handed One
Hunt the Hunter
Hunt the Weak
Hunter's Ambush
Hunter's Prowess
Hushwing Gryff
Hussar Patrol
Hydra Broodmaster
Hypersonic Dragon
Hypnotic Siren
Hythonia the Cruel
Icefeather Aven
Icy Blast
Ill-Tempered Cyclops
Illness in the Ranks
Illusionary Armor
Illusionist's Bracers
Illusory Angel
Immobilizer Eldrazi
Immolating Glare
Immortal Servitude
Impetuous Sunchaser
Imposing Sovereign
In Garruk's Wake
Inaction Injunction
Incremental Growth
Incubator Drone
Incursion Specialist
Indulgent Tormentor
Inferno Fist
Infuse with the Elements
Insatiable Harpy
Inspired Charge
Interpret the Signs
Into the Void
Into the Wilds