Card Library

Chief of the Edge #169

Chief of the Scale #170

Clever Impersonator #34

Crackling Doom #171

Cranial Archive #218

Crater's Claws #106

Dazzling Ramparts #6

Dead Drop #67

Death Frenzy #172

Debilitating Injury #68

Defiant Strike #7

Deflecting Palm #173

Dig Through Time #36

Disdainful Stroke #37

Dismal Backwater #168

Disowned Ancestor #70

Dragon Grip #107

Dragon Throne of Tarkir #219

Dragon's Eye Savants #38

Dragon-Style Twins #108

Dragonscale Boon #131

Duneblast #174

Dutiful Return #110

Efreet Weaponmaster #175

Embodiment of Spring #39

Empty the Pits #72

End Hostilities #8

Feat of Resistance #10

Feed the Clan #132

Firehoof Cavalry #11

Flying Crane Technique #176

Force Away #40

Frontier Bivouac #234

Ghostfire Blade #220

Glacial Stalker #41

Goblinslide #109

Grim Haruspex #73

Gurmag Swiftwing #74

Hardened Scales #133

Heart-Piercer Bow #221

Heir of the Wilds #134

Herald of Anafenza #12

High Sentinels of Arashin #13

Highland Game #135

Highspire Mantis #177

Hooded Hydra #136

Hooting Mandrills #137

Horde Ambusher #110

Hordeling Outburst #111

Howl of the Horde #112

Icefeather Aven #178

Icy Blast #42

Ivorytusk Fortress #179

Jeering Instigator #113

Jeskai Ascendancy #180

Jeskai Banner #222

Jeskai Charm #181

Jeskai Elder #43

Jeskai Student #14

Jeskai Windscout #44

Jungle Hollow #169

Kheru Bloodsucker #75

Kheru Dreadmaw #76

Kheru Lich Lord #182

Kheru Spellsnatcher #45

Kill Shot #15

Kin-Tree Invocation #183

Kin-Tree Warden #139

Krumar Bond-Kin #77

Leaping Master #114

Lens of Clarity #223

Longshot Squad #140

Mantis Rider #184

Mardu Ascendancy #185

Mardu Banner #224

Mardu Blazebringer #115

Mardu Charm #186

Mardu Hateblade #16

Mardu Heart-Piercer #116

Mardu Hordechief #17

Mardu Roughrider #187

Mardu Skullhunter #78

Mardu Warshrieker #117

Master of Pearls #18

Master the Way #188

Meandering Towershell #141

Mer-Ek Nightblade #79

Mindswipe #189

Mistfire Weaver #46

Molting Snakeskin #80

Monastery Flock #47

Monastery Swiftspear #118

Murderous Cut #81

Mystic Monastery #236

Mystic of the Hidden Way #48

Narset, Enlightened Master #190

Necropolis Fiend #82

Nomad Outpost #237

Opulent Palace #238

Pearl Lake Ancient #49