Card Library

Abstruse Interference #40

Brute Strength #103

Comparative Analysis #51

Consuming Sinkhole #94

Corpse Churn #83

Dazzling Reflection #17

Elemental Uprising #130

Expedite #108

Fall of the Titans #109

Gift of Tusks #55

Grasp of Darkness #85

Grip of the Roil #56

Immolating Glare #20

Kozilek's Return #98

Lead by Example #134

Make a Stand #26

Mighty Leap #28

Natural State #136

Overwhelming Denial #61

Pulse of Murasa #141

Reality Hemorrhage #100

Searing Light #33

Spatial Contortion #8

Sweep Away #64

Tar Snare #90

Tears of Valakut #118

Unity of Purpose #66

Unnatural Endurance #80

Vines of the Recluse #146

Void Shatter #49

Warping Wail #12

Adverse Conditions #54

Anticipate #69

Brutal Expulsion #200

Complete Disregard #90

Encircling Fissure #23

Gideon's Reproach #30

Grave Birthing #93

Grip of Desolation #94

Horribly Awry #59

Infuse with the Elements #175

Inspired Charge #32

Lithomancer's Focus #38

Natural Connection #179

Outnumber #150

Roil's Retribution #45

Roilmage's Trick #83

Scatter to the Winds #85

Scour from Existence #13

Spell Shrivel #66

Stonefury #156

Sure Strike #157

Swell of Growth #191

Tandem Tactics #52

Titan's Presence #14

Turn Against #135

Unnatural Aggression #168

Volcanic Upheaval #161

Abzan Charm #161

Awaken the Bear #129

Become Immense #130

Blinding Spray #32

Bring Low #103

Burn Away #104

Crackling Doom #171

Crippling Chill #35

Defiant Strike #7

Deflecting Palm #173

Dig Through Time #36

Disdainful Stroke #37

Dragonscale Boon #131

Empty the Pits #72

Erase #9

Feat of Resistance #10

Feed the Clan #132

Flying Crane Technique #176

Force Away #40

Icy Blast #42

Jeskai Charm #181

Kill Shot #15

Mardu Charm #186

Mindswipe #189

Murderous Cut #81

Ride Down #194

Shatter #120

Smite the Monstrous #49

Stubborn Denial #56

Sultai Charm #204

Swift Kick #122

Take Up Arms #26

Temur Charm #208

Throttle #93

Trap Essence #209

Trumpet Blast #124

Utter End #210

Waterwhirl #60

Weave Fate #61

Winterflame #213

Ætherspouts #44

Back to Nature #169