Card Library

Name Type
Abstruse Interference
Brute Strength
Comparative Analysis
Consuming Sinkhole
Corpse Churn
Dazzling Reflection
Elemental Uprising
Fall of the Titans
Gift of Tusks
Grasp of Darkness
Grip of the Roil
Immolating Glare
Kozilek's Return
Lead by Example
Make a Stand
Mighty Leap
Natural State
Overwhelming Denial
Pulse of Murasa
Reality Hemorrhage
Searing Light
Spatial Contortion
Sweep Away
Tar Snare
Tears of Valakut
Unity of Purpose
Unnatural Endurance
Vines of the Recluse
Void Shatter
Warping Wail
Adverse Conditions
Brutal Expulsion
Complete Disregard
Encircling Fissure
Gideon's Reproach
Grave Birthing
Grip of Desolation
Horribly Awry
Infuse with the Elements
Inspired Charge
Lithomancer's Focus
Natural Connection
Roil's Retribution
Roilmage's Trick
Scatter to the Winds
Scour from Existence
Spell Shrivel
Sure Strike
Swell of Growth
Tandem Tactics
Titan's Presence
Turn Against
Unnatural Aggression
Volcanic Upheaval
Abzan Charm
Awaken the Bear
Become Immense
Blinding Spray
Bring Low
Burn Away
Crackling Doom
Crippling Chill
Defiant Strike
Deflecting Palm
Dig Through Time
Disdainful Stroke
Dragonscale Boon
Empty the Pits
Feat of Resistance
Feed the Clan
Flying Crane Technique
Force Away
Icy Blast
Jeskai Charm
Kill Shot
Mardu Charm
Murderous Cut
Ride Down
Smite the Monstrous
Stubborn Denial
Sultai Charm
Swift Kick
Take Up Arms
Temur Charm
Trap Essence
Trumpet Blast
Utter End
Weave Fate
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