Card Library

Name Type
Satyr Hedonist
Sylvan Caryatid
Voyaging Satyr
Akroan Hoplite
Battlewise Hoplite
Destructive Revelry
Fleecemane Lion
Shipwreck Singer
Tymaret, the Murder King
Bronze Sable
Fleetfeather Sandals
Prowler's Helm
Acolyte's Reward
Akroan Skyguard
God-Favored General
Hero of Iroas
Hold at Bay
Oreskos Sun Guide
Revoke Existence
Spirit of the Labyrinth
Vanguard of Brimaz
Deepwater Hypnotist
Flitterstep Eidolon
Meletis Astronomer
Stratus Walk
Thassa's Rebuff
Bile Blight
Claim of Erebos
Felhide Brawler
Nyxborn Eidolon
Pain Seer
Spiteful Returned
Everflame Eidolon
Fall of the Hammer
Impetuous Sunchaser
Reckless Reveler
Rise to the Challenge
Satyr Firedancer
Scouring Sands
Searing Blood
Thunderous Might
Karametra's Favor
Mortal's Resolve
Satyr Wayfinder
Swordwise Centaur
Unravel the Æther
Kiora's Follower
Siren Song Lyre
Aegis of the Gods
Font of Vigor
Nyx-Fleece Ram
Oreskos Swiftclaw
Sightless Brawler
Stonewise Fortifier
Battlefield Thaumaturge
Font of Fortunes
Pin to the Earth
Sage of Hours
Sigiled Starfish
Bloodcrazed Hoplite
Brain Maggot
Cast into Darkness
Feast of Dreams
Font of Return
Returned Reveler
Eidolon of the Great Revel
Font of Ire
Mogis's Warhound
Sigiled Skink
Bassara Tower Archer
Golden Hind
Satyr Grovedancer
Setessan Tactics
Solidarity of Heroes
Strength from the Fallen
Desperate Stand
Disciple of Deceit
Underworld Coinsmith
Armory of Iroas
Deserter's Quarters
Blood (Flesh/Blood)
Serve (Protect/Serve)
Burn (Turn/Burn)
Ajani's Pridemate
Dauntless River Marshal
Ephemeral Shields
Kinsbaile Skirmisher
Raise the Alarm
Return to the Ranks
Spirit Bonds
Sungrace Pegasus
Wall of Essence