Card Library

Stain the Mind #117

Cone of Flame #137

Nissa's Expedition #188

Restock #195

End Hostilities #8

Arrow Storm #98

Incremental Growth #138

Death Frenzy #172

Master the Way #188

Planar Outburst #42

Exert Influence #77

Ugin's Insight #87

Demon's Grasp #108

Bring to Light #209

March from the Tomb #214

Remorseless Punishment #89

Boulder Salvo #102

Press into Service #114

Nissa's Judgment #139

Assassin's Strike #57

Coursers' Accord #154

Rites of Reaping #191

Merciless Eviction #177

Undercity Plague #83

Structural Collapse #107

Stolen Identity #53

Blast of Genius #55

Morgue Burst #86

Planar Cleansing #29

Corrupt #91

Vanquish the Foul #35

Sea God's Revenge #61

Thassa's Bounty #67

Sip of Hemlock #106

Plea for Guidance #24

Pinnacle of Rage #105

Whims of the Fates #115

Interpret the Signs #43

Rise of Eagles #49

Extinguish All Hope #68

Spiteful Blow #83

Call (Beck/Call) #123b

Entering (Breaking/Entering) #124b

Release (Catch/Release) #125b

Triplicate Spirits #40

Endless Obedience #94

Set Adrift #54

Rite of the Serpent #86

See the Unwritten #149

Gruesome Slaughter #9

Part the Waterveil #80

Nissa's Renewal #180

Crush of Tentacles #53

Devout Invocation #16

Howl of the Night Pack #178

Revel of the Fallen God #155

Mass Calcify #18

Covenant of Blood #91

Overwhelm #189

Duneblast #174

Serpentine Spike #133

Roiling Waters #62

Horncaller's Chant #128

Worst Fears #87

Treasure Cruise #59

Rise of the Dark Realms #111

In Garruk's Wake #100

Feral Incarnation #174

Dead Drop #67

Enter the Infinite #34