Card Library

Name Type
Enter the Infinite
Dead Drop
Rise of the Dark Realms
In Garruk's Wake
Feral Incarnation
Horncaller's Chant
Worst Fears
Treasure Cruise
Devout Invocation
Howl of the Night Pack
Revel of the Fallen God
Mass Calcify
Covenant of Blood
Serpentine Spike
Roiling Waters
Assassin's Strike
Coursers' Accord
Rites of Reaping
Merciless Eviction
Undercity Plague
Structural Collapse
Stolen Identity
Blast of Genius
Morgue Burst
Planar Cleansing
Vanquish the Foul
Sea God's Revenge
Thassa's Bounty
Sip of Hemlock
Plea for Guidance
Pinnacle of Rage
Whims of the Fates
Interpret the Signs
Rise of Eagles
Extinguish All Hope
Spiteful Blow
Call (Beck/Call)
Entering (Breaking/Entering)
Release (Catch/Release)
Triplicate Spirits
Endless Obedience
Set Adrift
Rite of the Serpent
See the Unwritten
Gruesome Slaughter
Part the Waterveil
Nissa's Renewal
Crush of Tentacles
Destroy the Evidence
Goblin Rally
Survey the Wreckage
Skull Rend
Knight Watch
Frenzied Tilling
Shadow Slice
Angelic Edict
Coerced Confession
Urban Evolution
Obzedat's Aid
Flesh (Flesh/Blood)
Liturgy of Blood
Lava Axe
Rage of Purphoros
Psychic Intrusion
Hunter's Prowess
Mischief and Mayhem
Flurry of Horns
Rollick of Abandon
Stain the Mind
Cone of Flame
Nissa's Expedition
End Hostilities
Arrow Storm
Incremental Growth
Death Frenzy
Master the Way
Planar Outburst
Exert Influence
Ugin's Insight
Demon's Grasp
Bring to Light
March from the Tomb
Remorseless Punishment
Boulder Salvo
Press into Service
Nissa's Judgment
Traitorous Instinct
Seek the Horizon
Jarad's Orders
Slaughter Games
Supreme Verdict
Call of the Nightwing
Midnight Recovery