Card Library

Boulderfall #115

Dig Through Time #36

Firemind's Foresight #162

Fated Retribution #11

Fated Return #69

Scour from Existence #13

Trostani's Judgment #28

Explosive Impact #94

Opportunity #51

Chronostutter #48

Blastfire Bolt #130

Waterwhirl #60

Become Immense #130

Flying Crane Technique #176

Grip of Desolation #94

Psychic Spiral #47

Fall of the Gavel #161

Thoughtflare #203

Mystic Genesis #180

Totally Lost #54

Punish the Enemy #35

Lash of the Whip #94

Rescue from the Underworld #102

Fated Intervention #121

Riddle of Lightning #107

Starfall #114

Meditation Puzzle #19

Sanctified Charge #30

Ætherspouts #44

Jace's Ingenuity #63

Flesh to Dust #98

Unmake the Graves #120

Take Up Arms #26

Blinding Spray #32

Murderous Cut #81

Throttle #93

Burn Away #104

Roil's Retribution #45

Turn Against #135

Stonefury #156

Eyes in the Skies #10

Inspiration #42

Launch Party #69

Chorus of Might #119

Essence Backlash #160

Scatter Arc #48

Ætherize #29

Grisly Spectacle #66

Homing Lightning #96

Mindstatic #14

Fatal Fumes #24

Advent of the Wurm #51

Plasm Capture #91

Warleader's Helix #116

Congregate #6

Chandra's Outrage #133

Wild Ricochet #132

Divine Verdict #8

Griptide #50

Cutthroat Maneuver #82

Artisan's Sorrow #151

Steam Augury #205

Sudden Storm #53

Fated Conflagration #94

Lightning Volley #101

Countermand #33

Ritual of the Returned #80

Silence the Believers #82

Statute of Denial #79

Stoke the Flames #164

Smite the Monstrous #49

Weave Fate #61

Empty the Pits #72

Bring Low #103

Swift Kick #122

Dragonscale Boon #131

Utter End #210

Inspired Charge #32

Adverse Conditions #54

Roilmage's Trick #83

Volcanic Upheaval #161

Infuse with the Elements #175

Brutal Expulsion #200

Comparative Analysis #51

Overwhelming Denial #61

Unity of Purpose #66

Consuming Sinkhole #94

Avenging Arrow #4

Rootborn Defenses #19

Cancel #33

Annihilating Fire #85

Aerial Predation #113

Auger Spree #144

Common Bond #151

Counterflux #153

Sphinx's Revelation #200

Predator's Rapport #129

Massive Raid #100

Psychic Strike #189

Arrows of Justice #211