Card Library

Bone Saw #161

Captain's Claws #162

Chitinous Cloak #163

Seer's Lantern #165

Stoneforge Masterwork #166

Strider Harness #167

Iona's Blessing #21

Isolation Zone #22

Oath of Gideon #30

Containment Membrane #52

Hedron Alignment #57

Oath of Jace #60

Visions of Brutality #81

Untamed Hunger #91

Oath of Chandra #113

Pyromancer's Assault #115

Bonds of Mortality #128

Oath of Nissa #140

Zendikar Resurgent #147

Spatial Contortion #8

Warping Wail #12

Dazzling Reflection #17

Immolating Glare #20

Make a Stand #26

Mighty Leap #28

Searing Light #33

Abstruse Interference #40

Void Shatter #49

Comparative Analysis #51

Gift of Tusks #55

Grip of the Roil #56

Negate #59

Overwhelming Denial #61

Sweep Away #64

Unity of Purpose #66

Unnatural Endurance #80

Corpse Churn #83

Grasp of Darkness #85

Tar Snare #90

Consuming Sinkhole #94

Kozilek's Return #98

Reality Hemorrhage #100

Brute Strength #103

Expedite #108

Fall of the Titans #109

Tears of Valakut #118

Elemental Uprising #130

Lead by Example #134

Natural State #136

Pulse of Murasa #141

Vines of the Recluse #146

Allied Reinforcements #15

Call the Gatewatch #16

Shoulder to Shoulder #34

Slip Through Space #47

Crush of Tentacles #53

Roiling Waters #62

Flaying Tendrils #70

Oblivion Strike #75

Witness the End #82

Remorseless Punishment #89

Boulder Salvo #102

Devour in Flames #106

Press into Service #114

Sparkmage's Gambit #117

Ruin in Their Wake #122

Nissa's Judgment #139

Cinder Barrens #168

Corrupted Crossroads #169

Crumbling Vestige #170

Hissing Quagmire #171

Holdout Settlement #172

Meandering River #173

Mirrorpool #174

Needle Spires #175

Ruins of Oran-Rief #176

Sea Gate Wreckage #177

Submerged Boneyard #178

Timber Gorge #179

Tranquil Expanse #180

Unknown Shores #181

Wandering Fumarole #182

Wastes #183