Card Library

Grapeshot #116

Grasp of Phantoms #58

Grave Exchange #105

Grave Strength #71

Great Teacher's Decree #21

Green Sun's Zenith #19

Grenzo's Rebuttal #33

Grim Discovery #91

Grim Flowering #198

Ground Assault #168

Ground Rift #162

Growth Spasm #186

Gruesome Discovery #66

Gruesome Encore #44

Gruesome Slaughter #9

Hallowed Burial #7

Hammer of Bogardan #23

Hands of Binding #37

Harmonize #148

Harness by Force #100

Harrowing Journey #67

Haunting Echoes #99

Haze of Rage #100

Head Games #148

Heat Shimmer #175

Heed the Mists #36

Hellion Eruption #45

Heroes Remembered #7

Hex #87

Hidden Strings #12

Hideous Visage #100

Hive Stirrings #21

Hoarder's Greed #117

Hordeling Outburst #111

Horncaller's Chant #128

Horrifying Revelation #45

Hour of Reckoning #15

Howl of the Horde #112

Howl of the Night Pack #178

Hull Breach #193

Hunger of the Nim #46

Hunt Down #218

Hunt the Hunter #159

Hunt the Weak #133

Hunter's Prowess #124

Hunters' Feast #182

Hunting Triad #200

Hunting Wilds #130

Hurly-Burly #177

Hurricane #270

Hymn to Tourach #3

Hypergenesis #201

Icefall #85

Ichor Explosion #64

Ichor Slick #51

Ideas Unbound #40

Identity Crisis #81

Idyllic Tutor #12

Ignite Memories #164

Ill-Gotten Gains #114

Immortal Servitude #220

In Garruk's Wake #100

Inaction Injunction #41

Incendiary Command #113

Incite Hysteria #132

Incite Rebellion #37

Increasing Ambition #69

Increasing Confusion #41

Increasing Devotion #11

Increasing Savagery #120

Incremental Blight #17

Incremental Growth #138

Index #55

Infernal Offering #24

Infernal Plunge #148

Infernal Tutor #46

Infest #81

Inner Fire #105

Inquisition of Kozilek #115

Insurrection #126

Interpret the Signs #43

Into the Maw of Hell #150

Into the North #111

Into the Void #60

Inundate #25

Invincible Hymn #14

Invoke the Firemind #31

Iona's Judgment #8

Irresistible Prey #188

Jarad's Orders #175

Jaws of Stone #72

Journey of Discovery #123

Joyous Respite #216

Kiku's Shadow #77

Killing Wave #111

Kin-Tree Invocation #183

Kindle the Carnage #66

Kirtar's Wrath #15

Kiss of the Amesha #177

Knight Watch #19