Card Library

Helm of Kaldra #131

Helvault #151

Hematite Golem #185

Herbal Poultice #257

Hero's Blade #160

Heroes' Podium #159

Hewed Stone Retainers #161

Hex Parasite #137

Hexplate Golem #109

Hivestone #256

Honor-Worn Shaku #254

Hoof Skulkin #169

Horizon Spellbomb #165

Horned Helm #132

Hot Soup #219

Hovermyr #138

Howling Mine #251

Ichor Wellspring #241

Ichorclaw Myr #166

Icy Manipulator #64

Illuminated Folio #254

Illusionist's Bracers #231

Imi Statue #255

Immolating Souleater #139

Immortal Coil #79

Infiltration Lens #167

Infused Arrows #133

Inkwell Leviathan #10

Inquisitor's Flail #227

Insatiable Souleater #140

Iron Myr #168

Iron Star #304

Isochron Scepter #16

Isolation Cell #141

Ivory Crane Netsuke #155

Ivory Cup #305

Izzet Cluestone #141

Izzet Keyrune #230

Izzet Signet #17

Jade Idol #256

Jade Statue #300

Jalum Tome #242

Jar of Eyeballs #244

Jawbone Skulkin #170

Jayemdae Tome #207

Jeskai Banner #222

Jester's Cap #301

Jester's Scepter #137

Jet Medallion #243

Jhoira's Timebug #257

Jinxed Choker #189

Jinxed Idol #208

Journeyer's Kite #65

Juggernaut #220

Junk Diver #244

Junktroller #264

Junkyo Bell #258

Kaleidostone #137

Keening Stone #219

Keeper of the Lens #240

Khalni Gem #205

Kiln Walker #142

Kite Shield #210

Kitesail #208

Knowledge Pool #111

Kolaghan Monument #241

Konda's Banner #259

Kraken's Eye #211

Krark's Thumb #190

Krark-Clan Ironworks #134

Kuldotha Forgemaster #169

Kusari-Gama #260

Lantern of Insight #135

Lashwrithe #245

Leaden Myr #170

Leashling #265

Leering Emblem #171

Legacy Weapon #330

Lens of Clarity #223

Leonin Bladetrap #245

Leonin Bola #127

Leonin Scimitar #331

Leonin Sun Standard #194

Leveler #195

Liar's Pendulum #196

Lich's Mirror #210

Lich's Tomb #128

Lifespark Spellbomb #197

Lightning Coils #198

Lightning Greaves #253

Liquimetal Coating #246

Livewire Lash #172

Locket of Yesterdays #258

Lockjaw Snapper #255

Lodestone Golem #111

Lodestone Myr #200

Long-Forgotten Gohei #261

Lore Seeker #62

Loreseeker's Stone #56

Lotus Bloom #208