Card Library

Colfenor's Plans #106

Collapsing Borders #141

Collective Blessing #150

Collective Restraint #49

Coma Veil #36

Commander's Authority #13

Common Cause #13

Common Courtesy #21

Compost #235

Compulsion #34

Concerted Effort #8

Conclave's Blessing #11

Concordant Crossroads #93

Confiscate #68

Confusion in the Ranks #87

Conjured Currency #33

Conquer #171

Consecrate Land #4

Conspiracy #39

Consuming Ferocity #166

Containment Membrane #52

Contaminated Bond #132

Contaminated Ground #59

Contamination #123

Contemplation #104

Contempt #27

Control Magic #35

Controlled Instincts #23

Convalescence #5

Convalescent Care #14

Conversion #269

Conviction #105

Convincing Mirage #46

Cooperation #242

Copy Artifact #53

Copy Enchantment #42

Coral Net #35

Coral Reef #29

Cornered Market #14

Corpseweft #92

Corrosion #128

Corrupted Conscience #22

Corrupted Roots #41

Corrupted Zendikon #55

Counterbalance #31

Courser of Kruphix #119

Cover of Darkness #133

Cowardice #70

Cowed by Wisdom #5

Crab Umbra #58

Crackdown #15

Crackling Club #93

Crackling Perimeter #88

Cradle of Vitality #7

Cream of the Crop #117

Creature Bond #66

Crescendo of War #12

Crevasse #138

Crippling Blight #92

Crosswinds #246

Crown of Ascension #78

Crown of Awe #16

Crown of Flames #142

Crown of Fury #196

Crown of Suspicion #134

Crown of Vigor #253

Crucible of Fire #139

Crumbling Ashes #35

Crusade #27

Crusher Zendikon #78

Cryptwailing #47

Crystalline Nautilus #34

Crystallization #144

Cunning #28

Curiosity #49

Curse Artifact #5

Curse of Bloodletting #85

Curse of Chains #139

Curse of Chaos #105

Curse of Death's Hold #94

Curse of Echoes #34

Curse of Exhaustion #5

Curse of Inertia #36

Curse of Marit Lage #181

Curse of Misfortunes #56

Curse of Oblivion #95

Curse of Predation #140

Curse of Shallow Graves #71

Curse of Stalked Prey #136

Curse of the Bloody Tome #50

Curse of the Fire Penguin #73

Curse of the Forsaken #8

Curse of the Nightly Hunt #137

Curse of the Pierced Heart #138

Curse of Thirst #57

Curse of Wizardry #104

Cursed Flesh #98

Cursed Land #14

Custody Battle #197

Customs Depot #71