Card Library

Name Type
Feast of Dreams
Hour of Need
Kiora's Dismissal
Nature's Panoply
Nightmarish End
Phalanx Formation
Polymorphous Rush
Ritual of the Returned
Rouse the Mob
Setessan Tactics
Silence the Believers
Solidarity of Heroes
Acolyte's Reward
Aspect of Hydra
Bile Blight
Eye Gouge
Fall of the Hammer
Fated Conflagration
Fated Infatuation
Fated Intervention
Fated Retribution
Fated Return
Glimpse the Sun God
Hold at Bay
Lightning Volley
Mortal's Ardor
Mortal's Resolve
Reap What Is Sown
Retraction Helix
Rise to the Challenge
Searing Blood
Sudden Storm
Thassa's Rebuff
Unravel the Æther
Illusionist's Gambit
Unexpectedly Absent
Artisan's Sorrow
Battlewise Valor
Boon of Erebos
Coordinated Assault
Cutthroat Maneuver
Dark Betrayal
Dauntless Onslaught
Defend the Hearth
Destructive Revelry
Gods Willing
Hero's Downfall
Lash of the Whip
Lightning Strike
Lost in a Labyrinth
Pharika's Cure
Ray of Dissolution
Rescue from the Underworld
Shredding Winds
Spark Jolt
Steam Augury
Stymied Hopes
Swan Song
Titan's Strength
Triton Tactics
Voyage's End
Warriors' Lesson
Celestial Flare
Grim Return
Savage Summoning
Advent of the Wurm
Away (Far/Away)
Burn (Turn/Burn)
Crypt Incursion
Far (Far/Away)
Fatal Fumes
Loss (Profit/Loss)
Mending Touch
Mutant's Prey
Plasm Capture
Profit (Profit/Loss)
Protect (Protect/Serve)
Punish the Enemy
Ready (Ready/Willing)
Render Silent
Renounce the Guilds
Restore the Peace
Riot Control
Serve (Protect/Serve)
Tear (Wear/Tear)
Turn (Turn/Burn)
Warleader's Helix
Warped Physique
Weapon Surge
Wear (Wear/Tear)
Willing (Ready/Willing)